Ok I get it, you love Nokia. A lot. But for the record if you can take the blinkers off for a second... I found the Symbian UI a complete nightmare for browsing LONG before the iPhone was released... and WM users have been enjoying good browsing in comparison to Symbian users for a LONG time. The iPhone made the experience a lot smoother, but Symbian has in my opinion sucked for browsing through lack of intuitive controls and lack of touchscreen since it was released... and i have owned a LOT of Nokia phones since then. In fact i'm not quite sure why the only two phone types you make reference to are iPhone and Symbian (considering this thread and my comments were clearly referring to a WM phone)... or to be honest what your point really was in the first place.
No, I don't love Nokia, they just give the best combination of a good, easy to use interface and features. All the iPhone does is make an easy to use interface even easier, whilst taking out the features. Seriously though, the many many millions of S60 users are testament to how good the platform is.
I don't know about you but and up, down, left and right control with a centre confirm button seems pretty intuative to me . If you want to move up, press up, down, press down, select, press the select button. Voila, simplicity itself! And IMO, the iPhone/iPod Touch browsing experience takes a back seat to that offered by S60. Yeah you can fit more on the screen on the iPhone/Touch, but that's at the expense of being able to easily navigate to and from different pages/sites. For instance, on this very forum you have to constantly zoom in and out to press the right page number of the iPhone/Touch because a finger is way too big to press the link accurately at the default zoom level. The same can be said for other small links. On an S60 phone, you have a proper cursor which you can control very precisely with the d-pad, allowing you to easily and quickly hit the correct link without having to zoom in and out all the time. Oh, and the S60 phones give the same overall 'real web' as the iPhone/Touch do.
I've never used a WM phone, so I can't comment on that, but I do own Nokia S60 smartphones and an iPod Touch.
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