Samsung U28D590 mini review

Yer, I did find it a bit too bright from the off and this in turn made colours look washed. I fiddled about a fair bit and have finally settled on:

Brightness 65%
Contrast 100%
Gamma 1.00

All other settings are defalut and this for me gives better, deeper colours.

Cheers greg ill use that when I get mine in may.
I'm so jealous I can't believe your desk has arrived! Beautiful piece of woodwork..

Be truly honest desk arrived wekk ago and it was really hard to find good pc desk for good price . than i found on net some shop from Southampton and they make 1600x800x900 tables with is exactly what i been looking for

Nice man,How's it running on your 780?
its running perfect man , but when i first time hooked up monitor and start bf4 i get like 55 frames with was disappointment. but later when i went to Nvidia control panel i find out i have disabled SLI from last time driver update (few days ago)
so i enable sli and frames went up nicely . now i getting around 85-90 FPS on Ultra with all maxed up with is surprising very good for 4k resolution .
But i think i will sell my 4 month old Asus PB278Q WQHD monitor and get one more 780ti to get total 3-way SLI and enjoy true 4k glory
Why can't this monitor just be in the UK yet :(
I'm thinking of holding off till the whole free sync thing though?

I doubt freesync will be out soon from what I have read and a lot are hinting at this taking a year or more before we see the first panels.

Greg you have had the monitor now for a while do you still agree that 2xAA is all that's needed?
Vsync needed?

Absolutely. I have been running games with different settings and thinking "Ohh, I must have this on 8XMSAA and when I checked, it was on 2XAA. Certainly no need for full AA and some decent games could have 0 AA and still look fantastic.

I will do some 4K PNG's resized to 1080P and show the difference between them later.
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