Originally posted by Selekt0r
Here's a couple of links to the news and TV scripts which sharkfood mentioned earlier:
Originally posted by Selekt0r
They run fine when the config is first loaded/reloaded, but then none of the scripts are running again. I've even set them all to 1 minute and none of them are running at all apart from that initial time.
I'll look into it further....
Originally posted by Selekt0r
I'll keep testing it, but does anyone have any ideas re: the green/red border in the config editor?
Function WrapLines(text, num)
Dim word, result
Dim linelen
result = ""
linelen = 0
While Len(text) > 0
word = ""
While Mid(text,1,1) <> " " and Len(text) > 0
word = word & Mid(text,1,1)
text = Mid(text,2, Len(text)-1)
if Len(text) > 0 then text = Mid(text,2, Len(text)-1)
If (linelen > 0 and linelen + Len(word) + 1 > num) Then
result = result & chr(13) & Chr(10) & word
linelen = Len(word)
If linelen > 0 Then
result = result & " " & word
linelen = linelen + Len(word) + 1
result = word
linelen = Len(word)
End If
End If
WrapLines = result
end function
Function ExtractLine_(line)
newsArr = split(GetText_ ("<a name=""startcontent"">", "<hr>", 0), "|")
ExtractLine_ = WrapLines(Trim(newsArr(line)), 65)
end function
go onto the BBC site, print screen, paste into paint, select the logo, paste it into a new paint file, save as a PNGOriginally posted by Sherwood
Has anyone got the red BBC1 icon they can let me have
email me if you have thx [email protected]
Originally posted by Westwood
Finn, looks good m8, get rid of the recycle bin!! Ruins the dark colour scheme![]()