Samurize Scripts

This is gonna sound really stupid but I can't get my internet download / upload rates & totals. I can't even find the right meter to do it with.

My brother's broadband is hooked up to a network card so he's had no troubles setting it up, but my modem is connected via USB. Is there anyway I can get this set up?

Selekt0r, how's that Weather Icon script coming along?

I got an idea, the WeatherPlus script comes with some nice weather icons, is there a way to use the BBC weather info to trigger the use of those icons?

Like write some code to do

If Condition = Sunny


Icon "Small Sunny"

else use


I am rough with my Pascal coding but you know what I mean.

EDIT, kinda what you were thinking last night anyway but may be the weatherplus icons are prettier.
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ok i think i got the weather one sorted out, i read that u need a wrie file which is hidden, very clever :D

so umm what about the TV i think it outputs a text file ....
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woot !

finally got it figured out :D


what u think :D
Originally posted by Raymond Lin
Selekt0r, how's that Weather Icon script coming along?

Nearly there...

The BBC weather site haven't replied, so I had to write a script to leech the pages for over 5000 location worldwide. That gave me 24 of the weather condition->.gif file relationships. I don't think that's totally comprehensive, as there are gaps in the numbering, but it should cover 99% of 'normal' weather.

I'm also trying a different approach to dealing with restarting the Samurize client. The approach which WeatherPlus uses of activating the Samurize Client and sending ALT+F4 seems pretty unreliable to me. When I tried to use it, it worked some of the time, but other times it tried to shut down WinXP for me!

So, I've knocked up a tiny console application in VB which I'm using to kill the process relating to the existing Client.exe, e.g.

KillProc 1234

where 1234 is the Process ID relating to Client.exe. I've left it running overnight and it seems 100% stable.

I'm sticking with the BBC weather icons for now, but you would be able to substitute others from WeatherPlus if you wanted more 'prettyness' :D

I just need to tidy up the code, create some 'dummy' .png files for the numbers which are still missing, and package it up - should be this evening.

First off thanks for the weather script. When I ran it I noticed it kept returning error but seemed to work fine any way. Had a look and it appears to make 51 registry entries but you've set the error handle to expect 50 writes. So I changed the value to 51 and it now reports "registry written"

Also a general thanks to all who have posted in this thread for telling me about this prog and for showing me how to use it.
quick questions...

where or how do u do the total ammountof up and down loads ?

i guess it would be in megs...

i assume its in performance counter :

network interface

umm then where ?
I'm still having trouble with the TV Guide.

I have added all the channels I want and can output them to the UKTV.txt but cannot populate the linked text file.

I have added Const Path = "C:\Program Files\Samurize\UKTV.txt" to the link in that file but am at a miss to where to put the actual line to output the channel?

I know its something simple I'm missing here?
Originally posted by Andy100
Is there any way to make the default winamp meter scroll the song details?

Maybe a % function in the title?

Is this not possible :(? Most off my songs seem to have really long names, the font size that fits on is unreadable :(

Originally posted by ']['H3R4POR
Is this not possible :(? Most off my songs seem to have really long names, the font size that fits on is unreadable :(


it dont look liike it , iv looked of the samurize site and theres a few requesting the makes of the thing to include it in the next release, so it seems not at the moment
with much help from Sherwood i have done the tv guide and clock-but i dont know what im doing wrong with clock hands-they come out all misplaced


what am i doing wrong-one on left is config and right the config running :confused:
Originally posted by snow-munki
any ideas on the download and upload totals ?

and could someone please send me the PNG icons file for the calendar ....


to [email protected]

for the total up/down i just go to the edit config then select the add meter button then select add total up/down from the list , move the new meter to where ya want , then selct your network card in the properties on the right , and select if u want that one to display the up or down and if u want it in megs or somthing else .

when you do that create another one for the other
Originally posted by Gman
for the total up/down i just go to the edit config then select the add meter button then select add total up/down from the list , move the new meter to where ya want , then selct your network card in the properties on the right , and select if u want that one to display the up or down and if u want it in megs or somthing else .

when you do that create another one for the other

Fine but my modem is connected via USB so can't point it to the NIC card. Any ideas?
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