Originally posted by Raymond Lin
Selekt0r, how's that Weather Icon script coming along?
Nearly there...
The BBC weather site haven't replied, so I had to write a script to leech the pages for over 5000 location worldwide. That gave me 24 of the weather condition->.gif file relationships. I don't think that's totally comprehensive, as there are gaps in the numbering, but it should cover 99% of 'normal' weather.
I'm also trying a different approach to dealing with restarting the Samurize client. The approach which WeatherPlus uses of activating the Samurize Client and sending ALT+F4 seems pretty unreliable to me. When I tried to use it, it worked some of the time, but other times it tried to shut down WinXP for me!
So, I've knocked up a tiny console application in VB which I'm using to kill the process relating to the existing Client.exe, e.g.
KillProc 1234
where 1234 is the Process ID relating to Client.exe. I've left it running overnight and it seems 100% stable.
I'm sticking with the BBC weather icons for now, but you would be able to substitute others from WeatherPlus if you wanted more 'prettyness'
I just need to tidy up the code, create some 'dummy' .png files for the numbers which are still missing, and package it up - should be this evening.