Samurize Scripts

AHG !!!
I got it to find my IP ...... only its the wrong adaptor, I have one for LAN and one for broadband .. how to i change which adaptor it gets info from .. I am using the extended props script.

And no-one is too say swap the cable lead over with the network one :p
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OK damn it all :rolleyes: I have swapped the cables :p
Just one question left ... why does my page file report around a gig more than I am using ?
Thanks to Beelzebub for providing the basis for me to steal and adapt, heres my effort, just want to know why its added 1 gig to my page file:confused:, but apart from that I've got what I wanted ... for now :p I have resized it and compressed it so quality is out the window ... but you get the idea.
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don't know if i am being really dull (has been knowne ;)) but I cant get to the samurize site to download the proggie to have a play.

If anyone wants to email it to me / tell me where to get it, grab me on msn (fatboy-uk at


Dunno about that, I look out of the window :p
Well it seems its windows reporting page oddly, in task manager/ performance tab its all wonky .. stooopid windblows :p
Set page file to 512 and now it says I have 1.5 gb ... page file ... very odd, but ah well.
Originally posted by |Show|
where abouts is it that u input where u live for the weather script?
Assuming your script uses the BBC site for its info in the .vbs file there will be a line that looks like
Const weather_url = ""
It's the 4 digit number (here 2467) that's gives your location. To find your code go to BBC Weather and enter your post code or town and get the id from the URL of the page it sends you to.
thanx a lot...i'm now just having problems with a config file...everytime i now open it it loads the CPU load and temp displays correctly then sticks a big pic for memory in the memory status display and doesnt display the drive storage status bit!!:mad:
Just read this thread through and i've been playing with it abit using Andy_c script as a base, this is on Win2k with Litestep.

IMG:removed now updated..:img

Only this is i cant get the Network meter to work, not sure what needs changing, i'm not using the Nforce2 onboard lan that it's set to.

Also can i add things like CPU speed and voltages to the MBM readout? (and could someone do that for me! ;) )

Everything else works great, got the weather sorted.

EDIT:- Ok sorted the Network issue, just wanna get all mbm5 stuff working...
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Don't suppose one of you nice chaps could host the ExtendedProps script and pop a link on could you?

I may die waiting for the samurize webby to come back online.


Originally posted by Sherwood
don't know if this is the one your after but you can get the extendedprops i have from here

HTH Sherwood

Ta very much, thats got more than i wanted :D

hmmm.....still after Voltages n things though :(
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Thanks for that Sherwood, I'll try it when I get home.

De@thW!sh, can you not get voltages through the Motherboard Monitor Meter? I know it does temperatures and fan speeds so I'm sure voltages are in there as well.
Originally posted by <De@thW!sh>
hmmm.....still after Voltages n things though :(

use the add mbm and in the sensor box it's 35 for 5v line and 32 for the cpu voltage i think it's 34 for the agp volts and i think 36 for the 12v line, you must have mbm up and running as well

HTH Sherwood
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