Samurize Scripts

Originally posted by Anonymous

Thanks for uploading it. But there's an error when opening the zip. My friend gets it as well as he's downloaded it. I think that it may have not finished uploading properly?

indeed - the owner of and I (with which was hosting bluetooth's desktop pictures) are having some problems with our FTP connections here at uni - the firewall more or less blocks external FTP connections, though we can use a ssh tunnel to the unblocked JANet connected pcs at our departments and then connect to FTP servers from there.... For some reason however, today anything we hav uploaded has become corrupt.

well try to get the files up at some point.
Originally posted by comatose
I noticed the BBC Weather problem earlier and tweaked the latest script to work. It's here selektor if you want to check/use it.:)

Sorry I missed your post earlier comatose, but I've updated it anyway. The new version is here

However - there is a bug on the bbc weather site itself at the moment (I'm just about to send them an email). The text description of the forecast for days 2-5 is always the same as day 1, even though the symbol itself is correct. Hover your mouse over the weather symbols on the forecast page here and you'll see what I mean.
Thanks bluetooth.

It's very slow though on my system. I think it's because you have incluided about 5 different configs.

It's the dannofill one I like so i'm going to get rid of the others and the files that belong with them and see if it speeds things up. Will keep you posted.
How do I get Blootooths setup to work?

Could somebody possibly guide me through this:


change the file path in newsgrab.vbs to where you want to locate the news textfile

Change the following in samurize

change the path of the console program to match your scripts path it's currently set at:

wscript c:\YOURDIR\scripts\newsgrab.vbs

also change the textfile paths to match your samurize directory - they are currently set at:


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Originally posted by Anonymous
Thanks bluetooth.

It's very slow though on my system. I think it's because you have incluided about 5 different configs.

It's the dannofill one I like so i'm going to get rid of the others and the files that belong with them and see if it speeds things up. Will keep you posted.

i think the reason his is "slow" is that he has the two icons in the top left of the screen - so that when samurize updates it has to redraw the whole screen etc etc. if u look in the config file there is a red line around bluetooths setup, as opposed to the green line which people usually have.

and has any1 noticed the BBC Weather? as of yesterday, mine has started to read in html tags and all sorts for the wheater readings!
Originally posted by NicktheNorse
and has any1 noticed the BBC Weather? as of yesterday, mine has started to read in html tags and all sorts for the wheater readings!

See the post a bit further up this page. The BBC weather site have changed the format of their pages - a new version to accommodate the new format is here

*edit* I've just had an email back from the BBC weather site - they've fixed the bug which was showing the forecast to be the same every day.
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ok cheers for that weather update! :D

edit: just got that new weather script up and running, but when i try to get CURRENTCOND: all i get is a bunch of html code. and for CONDITIONS2: i get "Text only version......"
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OK I'm wanting to add a SETI meter to mine with all necessary info:

Units Completed
Current Unit Progress %
Current Unit Time Remaining
Current Unit Total Time

I have been to the Samurize homepage but it doesn't appear to be working at the moment so could any of you guys help? Looking at some of the ones in here most of you have worked out how to use it well.
Originally posted by NicktheNorse
ok cheers for that weather update! :D

edit: just got that new weather script up and running, but when i try to get CURRENTCOND: all i get is a bunch of html code. and for CONDITIONS2: i get "Text only version......"

It sounds like you've still not got the latest version. The new one which accommodates the changes in the format of the bbc weather site is v0.91 here

If you are using v0.91 then it may have got 'confused' (although it shouldn't have...) - if so then fire up regedit and delete the HKLM/Software/Samurize/bbc_weather key to clear out any existing values.
hmm finally started messing around with the updated weather script....

all is fine, except the images...

do i just import 3 images say with current , img1 and img2 and it should change automically depending on the condition ??

b/c umm mine does.. it says its cloudy today when the image says sunny ???

OK here it is, my new finished article. I did have the Evo8 desktop set up but I ditched it for my wife ;)

Negative and obviously positive feedback appreciated ;)

I rubbed out my IP Address as people could see that RealVNC is running in the background, so I'm just protecting myself from the brainier ones out there. Also, my new SETI team's name is hidden as we don't want our identity given away JUST yet :p

By the way, I'm currently looking for a new XP Theme to go with the colour scheme so it won't be left on that crap on :p Oh and most of the screenshots are lacking SETI running in the background? This is unacceptable and needs to be sorted guys hehe.
Originally posted by Raymond Lin
Is it just me, or is all of the sudden the BBC weather script stopped working ?

Have you seen my post higher up on this page? It has a link to a new version (v0.91) which accommodates the change in format to the bbc 5-day forecast pages.
how do you get the weather icons to work? I've only inserted the IMG 1, IMG2 & IMG3 PNGs in the config, is that all I need to do?
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