Samurize Scripts

Originally posted by Raymond Lin
how do you get the weather icons to work? I've only inserted the IMG 1, IMG2 & IMG3 PNGs in the config, is that all I need to do?

Pretty much yes, CURRANTIMG.png for currant weather, and then img1.png for day1 img2.png for 2 and so on :).
Ok peeps, here's something i made up in the wee hours of the morning...enjoy...

cos afaik img1.png is for tomorrow, not the currant time...or most recent.

i.e day 1 of 5 day forecast.

just changed mine to This now.
hmm just wondering if there is a bug in this proggie...

as when i run a quicktime movie samurize flickers like mad....

anyone have the same problem?

That is very nice mate. You could have done with having a good looking girl as a desktop model, but I suppose she will do. You need one like my Britney effort on the previous page though :p hehe.

I got some hi res wallpapers of women with a firey colour in the background if you want them though. One is of Shakira :) Yummy :D
killer looks good, but my only suggestion for changing stuff would be that your drawing double the area in samurize just to fit the windows info at the bottom:D i dunno where else it would look good, tho u could use some more space up and cover her face :P
go through registry and search for every instance of my computer and rename it AFAIK either that or its that cool deskop or whatever its called thing:D
Originally posted by Selekt0r
It sounds like you've still not got the latest version. The new one which accommodates the changes in the format of the bbc weather site is v0.91 here

If you are using v0.91 then it may have got 'confused' (although it shouldn't have...) - if so then fire up regedit and delete the HKLM/Software/Samurize/bbc_weather key to clear out any existing values.

ok ive just redone the weather stuff, followed all the instructions, deleted the bbc_weather registry key, reinstalled .net framework etc etc. Yet when i update the "writefile_weather" and i look in the registry, there are stupid looking numbers and the conditions for the days say stuff along the lines of "bbci" "text only version" + some html code.....

definitely using v0.91.
Originally posted by snow-munki

or any one, how does he get the icons on the desktop to have no names under them like my computer ?

I'll ask [ASSE]Arnie01 how its done, I noticed he had it like that on his desktop one time.
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Originally posted by snow-munki

or any one, how does he get the icons on the desktop to have no names under them like my computer ?

to get "icons" like these all you have to do is put a picture with an invisible text box over it, then set the txt box to open a specific program when clicked. to do this enable the "enable meter-linkage" check box then choose the program path.

you also gotta make sure that once this is done your samurize isn't pinned to desktop, it must have normal window behaviour or the clicks don't work.

any more questions mail me
Originally posted by NicktheNorse
ok ive just redone the weather stuff, followed all the instructions, deleted the bbc_weather registry key, reinstalled .net framework etc etc. Yet when i update the "writefile_weather" and i look in the registry, there are stupid looking numbers and the conditions for the days say stuff along the lines of "bbci" "text only version" + some html code.....

definitely using v0.91.

Mine is producing those odd numbers and text strings also. It was working fine this past few days but today its gone heywire.

Any help folks?
Actually, I think they've just reverted to the previous version, although they're obviously still having problems, as until earlier today the days for the forecast was incorrect (i.e. they were showing a forecast for Friday-Tuesday earlier today...)

However, I can't check that as I've managed to lose my previous versions of the script (oops)- can anyone check and/or forward me a copy of v0.9?
Originally posted by Selekt0r
Actually, I think they've just reverted to the previous version, although they're obviously still having problems, as until earlier today the days for the forecast was incorrect (i.e. they were showing a forecast for Friday-Tuesday earlier today...)

However, I can't check that as I've managed to lose my previous versions of the script (oops)- can anyone check and/or forward me a copy of v0.9?

yep just reverted to 0.9 and everything works great.

here it is as per ur request: clicky
OMG whats wrong with Halberry? shes fitter than shakira anyday. Shakiras got a huge backside. Besides i cant have blatent p0rn on my desktop cus my mum and co. may walk in and seeeee.

To get the icons with no text read the sticky....or......

You can have icons on your desktop without any text on them if:
- You rename them to Alt+255 (use the numeric keypad!).
- Since you can't have two files with the same name, if you want to have another icon with no name, call it Alt+255 [space] Alt+255.
- With each text-less icon, add on another [space] Alt+255
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