Sasha Johnson shot in the head?!?

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Isnt that the point though? As a country, people should expect better.
All I can say is lol. Are those people praising Sasha and calling her an angel?

Ah, so it's not enough for them simply not to be white to count as a person of colour in your eyes. They have to be non-white and in agreement with your political ideology and viewpoint. Quite a common belief these days and one which I'm sure the Guardian will share.

I think we can see how that works ;)
Sounds like she was caught in the crossfire of a black on black crime. Quite the irony.

Have you seen the quotes from her fellow activists re: "good eggs" / "bad eggs" ? Quite the irony, indeed!

BBC News said:
"In every community there are good eggs and bad eggs and we have to make sure those bad eggs are held accountable for their actions.

"Because it's not acceptable for those bad eggs to be attacking our warriors - be they male or female."

Edit: My bad, it just says "Speaker" so don't know if they're a fellow activist.
You know, the whole black lives matter activist getting shot by a black gang member? Little ironic no? Defund the police.... may need the police? No...? Okay I give up. :D
A bit like the Tories underfunding the NHS and then Boris having to spend nights in ITU being looked after by a nurse that ends up leaving the NHS over the way the government handle the NHS? That kind of irony or diffferent?
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