I had no idea that vid involved TR. What was quite revealing is that Sasha seemed not to know about BLM in the US and their aims. Like many she's just taken BLM as a statement and run with it. She clearly hasn't looked at the stats either or believes they aren't true. Her personal anecdotes apparently count for more.
Yup, plenty of people have tbh... thus you get the slightly confused takes on here from some naive posters who can't fathom why someone would be opposed to BLM. "If you don't support BLM then you think black lives don't matter" etc.. or something along those lines.
She's basically a bit naive and seemingly has a short fuse, she doesn't really know much about BLM, seems to be a bit thick and last year did what is perhaps best described as a bit of LARPing as the leader of a black militia - dressed up in an outfit reminiscent of the Black Panthers and got a bit shouty in front of the media, unlike the real black panthers her "militia" seems to be for media appearances/cosplaying only and doesn't seem to send out armed patrols etc..
Her personal anecdotes are the sort of thing taken very seriously not just by activists but by some deluded academics - they're her "lived experience" and for critical race theory types "lived experience" is way more important than any objectivity or empiricism.
The whole premise of BLM is fundamentally flawed as it relies on some myth that isn't actually supported by the data, it's just something people tend to go along with, the notion that US police forces are "systemically" racist and disproportionately killing black people. (good article here: https://www.city-journal.org/reflections-on-race-riots-and-police )
Lol, that’s crazy. They must be the only people in the world praying for the return of US soldiers
You haven't heard of cargo cults before? Physicist Richard Feynman mentions them in his book and coined the term "cargo cult science", I guess it is quite apt here too - lots of the "scholarship" backing up the typical race-baiting activists and diversity consultants etc.. is, essentially, "cargo cult" social science.
If you've not heard of cargo cults in general you might be amused by this - there is a religious movement/cargo cult that worshipped Prince Phillip as a living god, AFAIK they might now switch to worshipping Prince Charles: