Sasha Johnson shot in the head?!?

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I had no idea that vid involved TR. What was quite revealing is that Sasha seemed not to know about BLM in the US and their aims. Like many she's just taken BLM as a statement and run with it. She clearly hasn't looked at the stats either or believes they aren't true. Her personal anecdotes apparently count for more.

Yup, plenty of people have tbh... thus you get the slightly confused takes on here from some naive posters who can't fathom why someone would be opposed to BLM. "If you don't support BLM then you think black lives don't matter" etc.. or something along those lines.

She's basically a bit naive and seemingly has a short fuse, she doesn't really know much about BLM, seems to be a bit thick and last year did what is perhaps best described as a bit of LARPing as the leader of a black militia - dressed up in an outfit reminiscent of the Black Panthers and got a bit shouty in front of the media, unlike the real black panthers her "militia" seems to be for media appearances/cosplaying only and doesn't seem to send out armed patrols etc..

Her personal anecdotes are the sort of thing taken very seriously not just by activists but by some deluded academics - they're her "lived experience" and for critical race theory types "lived experience" is way more important than any objectivity or empiricism.

The whole premise of BLM is fundamentally flawed as it relies on some myth that isn't actually supported by the data, it's just something people tend to go along with, the notion that US police forces are "systemically" racist and disproportionately killing black people. (good article here: )

Lol, that’s crazy. They must be the only people in the world praying for the return of US soldiers

You haven't heard of cargo cults before? Physicist Richard Feynman mentions them in his book and coined the term "cargo cult science", I guess it is quite apt here too - lots of the "scholarship" backing up the typical race-baiting activists and diversity consultants etc.. is, essentially, "cargo cult" social science.

If you've not heard of cargo cults in general you might be amused by this - there is a religious movement/cargo cult that worshipped Prince Phillip as a living god, AFAIK they might now switch to worshipping Prince Charles:
Yup, plenty of people have tbh... thus you get the slightly confused takes on here from some naive posters who can't fathom why someone would be opposed to BLM. "If you don't support BLM then you think black lives don't matter" etc.. or something along those lines.

She's basically a bit naive and seemingly has a short fuse, she doesn't really know much about BLM, seems to be a bit thick and last year did what is perhaps best described as a bit of LARPing as the leader of a black militia - dressed up in an outfit reminiscent of the Black Panthers and got a bit shouty in front of the media, unlike the real black panthers her "militia" seems to be for media appearances/cosplaying only and doesn't seem to send out armed patrols etc..

Her personal anecdotes are the sort of thing taken very seriously not just by activists but by some deluded academics - they're her "lived experience" and for critical race theory types "lived experience" is way more important than any objectivity or empiricism.

The whole premise of BLM is fundamentally flawed as it relies on some myth that isn't actually supported by the data, it's just something people tend to go along with, the notion that US police forces are "systemically" racist and disproportionately killing black people. (good article here: )

You haven't heard of cargo cults before? Physicist Richard Feynman mentions them in his book and coined the term "cargo cult science", I guess it is quite apt here too - lots of the "scholarship" backing up the typical race-baiting activists and diversity consultants etc.. is, essentially, "cargo cult" social science.

If you've not heard of cargo cults in general you might be amused by this - there is a religious movement/cargo cult that worshipped Prince Phillip as a living god, AFAIK they might now switch to worshipping Prince Charles:
I know about them, the Tanna people. Apparently, as you say, they’ll start worshiping Prince Charles now.
This Sasha girl or someone else?

Never realised being a professional race grifter was so profitable. I'm in the wrong job!

blm in the US.

This lady doesn't know a thing about blm.
I think she is being used for the money.
I'm not sure why the BNP is being mentioned in this thread about a black BLM representative being shot at by multiple black men. What as this incident got to do with the BNP!?

I was invited to assist at the Sixth Form College with older students.
The Lecturer mentioned that now they were all 18 they were legible to vote so had anybody thought about it.
One girl said she was going to vote BNP and asked why, she came out with what I thought were her Dads words.

I don't agree that political votes should be discussed in schools. Voting is a private matter and bringing it in to schools can only result in trying to sway someones vote from a position of authority.

I finally spoke and asked her and all the others to never vote for the BNP because they were an horrible party,a couple of minutes passed where I really tore into them.
The following day I got called into my Managers office where a parent had complained about me promoting the BNP in a class full of girls :eek:
My Manager already knew the full story but gave me a dressing down because I shouldn't have spoke about it because somebody would twist it.
After that I started to really think about words that came out of my mouth that couldn't be twisted against me.

I assume when you said you were invited to assist at the Sixth Form College that it was a job? I don't know why staff think they have the right to tell people never to vote for a political party. You were lucky you wasn't sacked, as other teaching staff have been in the past.
No, I simply asked what the rhetoric was. Interesting that my post was deleted.

If you have evidence that the perpetrators were not 4 black men, you should offer this evidence forward to the correct establishment, it's serious if you do.

Care to answer my question though.??

Nice that you raised your head above the parapet though. Pathetic
If you had bothered reading the actualy thread...
I don't know why staff think they have the right to tell people never to vote for a political party. You were lucky you wasn't sacked, as other teaching staff have been in the past.
The recent Middle East conflict has prompted a wave of pro-Palestine protests in British schools and controversy over the staff response, with pupils being accused of antisemitism and one headteacher describing the Palestinian flag as a “call to arms”.

Mike Roper, the headteacher of Allerton Grange high school in Leeds, was forced to apologise after he claimed in an assembly that some people saw the flag as a “symbol of antisemitism”.

Video of the speech was posted online, going viral and prompting a backlash and protests, with extra police having to be posted outside the school.

The assembly was intended, the school said, to address tensions within its multiracial student community caused by the situation in Israel. But instead the speech brought accusations of “blatant Islamophobia” and staff being instructed to help students into and out of school safely following the furious response.

At Allerton Grange it is understood tensions had been bubbling for a number of days before Roper’s controversial assembly, with some pupils claiming they had lanyards bearing the Palestinian flag confiscated.

In the two-minute video the headteacher describes speaking to 20 students urging them not to use symbols and flags as some people may see the flag and “feel threatened and unsafe”. He went on to add: “That flag is seen as a call to arms and seen as a message of support for antisemitism.”

A statement was later issued in which Roper said he was “deeply sorry that a particular example I used in that assembly, referring to the Palestinian flag, has caused such upset” and promised to engage with local councillors and community representatives about the issues raised.

A spokesperson for Na’amod, a Jewish anti-occupation campaign group, said no student should be disciplined or accused of antisemitism simply for supporting Palestinian freedom or waving a Palestinian flag.
No one is buying your trolling :cry:

100% honest truth. I assumed the employer has employed so many Polish workers that it's less efficient for them to recruit workers who can't speak Polish but either way it's discrimination towards most of the UK population.

Imagine China setting up or taking over a bunch of factories in the UK and having Chinese language as a requirement to work on the production lines, then claiming they "have no choice" but to import workers from China because they don't get enough British applicants.
I've seen job listings in the past for factory/labour work (not customer facing) and requiring "Polish language" skills, how that's not discrimination against anyone not Polish I have no idea. They might as well just say no English people. It's not that we don't already have laws against this sort of thing it's that they aren't enforced.

Maybe you’re going on the fact that few Brits speak a foreign language, but I think that you may not have thought that through, I am a U.K. citizen, proficient in French, so I could apply for a job that required “French language skills”, plus I know four people who were born to English parents, and raised in England who are fluent in Polish, they could apply for positions that require “Polish language skills”, so they wouldn’t be discriminated against would they?
Also, if a car rental company in an area that was popular with U.K. visitors, (e.g. Portugal), advertised for counter clerks with “English language skills”, they wouldn’t be discriminating against Portuguese people, they’d be inviting bi-lingual Portuguese to apply.
I find it difficult to display any empathy for Sasha as so little of it is shown to all of us today in these times and it's another thought process to determine its authenticity.

Nobody deserves what happened to her though I am no admirer of anyone who models there public speaking looks from the likes of Che Guevara.
I find it difficult to display any empathy for Sasha as so little of it is shown to all of us today in these times and it's another thought process to determine its authenticity.

Nobody deserves what happened to her though I am no admirer of anyone who models there public speaking looks from the likes of Che Guevara.
I think the look represents the black nationalism of the Nation of Islam or even of Robert Mugabe possibly an African hero standing up against the white Rhodesia of Ian Smith. Whatever is has some appeal I suppose.
100% honest truth. I assumed the employer has employed so many Polish workers that it's less efficient for them to recruit workers who can't speak Polish but either way it's discrimination towards most of the UK population.

Imagine China setting up or taking over a bunch of factories in the UK and having Chinese language as a requirement to work on the production lines, then claiming they "have no choice" but to import workers from China because they don't get enough British applicants.

If it listed "No British" or "Polish only" then it would be but what you' initially said isn't discrimination as you don't to be of a given nationality to speak the language; rather it's a requirement for the job.
Otherwise all job positions that listed a requirement for X would be discriminatory against those that can't do or have X requirement.

But then you know that, hence the second "whatabout" where you're now claiming it's the same as importing workers; which it isn't, even remotely.

Again, no one is buying your trolling ;)
I think the look represents the black nationalism of the Nation of Islam or even of Robert Mugabe possibly an African hero standing up against the white Rhodesia of Ian Smith. Whatever is has some appeal I suppose.
Its the Black Panthers!

She is even refered to as the Black Panther of Oxford.

or even of Robert Mugabe possibly an African hero standing up against the white Rhodesia of Ian Smith
Dressing up in mil-type uniform (when not actually in the military or ex-mil) just seems like a straight-up power fantasy to me.

Black or white, it seems to say "I'm playing at being dangerous so you should fear/respect me." I think that's what they'd like anyhow. Sometimes it just looks faintly ridiculous. But I think it's supposed to be intimidating or something. It's a bit chav, let's be honest, for civvies to go around dressed like that :p
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