Sasha Johnson shot in the head?!?

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Dressing up in mil-type uniform (when not actually in the military or ex-mil) just seems like a straight-up power fantasy to me.

Black or white, it seems to say "I'm playing at being dangerous so you should fear/respect me." I think that's what they'd like anyhow. Sometimes it just looks faintly ridiculous. But I think it's supposed to be intimidating or something. It's a bit chav, let's be honest, for civvies to go around dressed like that :p

There is a real disconnect when some people in minority groups think they can force their opinions on the majority of people.

They have to realise they are the underdog in the conversation. So going full steam ahead will most likely backfire.

The better path is to choose to engage others.

I think all communities have big social problems and it can only be solved by the people in those communities. Low level criminality and a lack of respect is a problem shared across most communities to verying degrees. I just don't think getting in a slanging match with people in her own community was a wise move. When there are dangerous elements around then confrontation can be deadly. It appears to me that this is what might have happened. Not everyone in the community want to change things.
I think, if I read it correctly, it's likely she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and that the bullet was meant for a "rival gang" member.

What she's doing associating with gangsters in her position, I don't know. Doesn't she want her people free of cancerous gang culture? That's what BLM should be about
I think, if I read it correctly, it's likely she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and that the bullet was meant for a "rival gang" member.

What she's doing associating with gangsters in her position, I don't know. Doesn't she want her people free of cancerous gang culture? That's what BLM should be about

How do you know who is a gangster and who isn't?

If you go to any higher end party, you will find criminals. It's the nature of wealth.
Dressing up in mil-type uniform (when not actually in the military or ex-mil) just seems like a straight-up power fantasy to me.

Black or white, it seems to say "I'm playing at being dangerous so you should fear/respect me." I think that's what they'd like anyhow. Sometimes it just looks faintly ridiculous. But I think it's supposed to be intimidating or something. It's a bit chav, let's be honest, for civvies to go around dressed like that :p

I think that's why they had to aim for the head as her bullet proof vest would have minimised damage otherwise.

It wouldn't surprise me if a gang did break in and ms Johnson got a bit gobby with them so they shot her and drove off.
How do you know who is a gangster and who isn't?

If you go to any higher end party, you will find criminals. It's the nature of wealth.

The “criminals” in Hampstead and Fulham are gangsters, as opposed to the Peckham variant, gangstas.

lol. It's Peckham.

Take it easy Uther, my wife is from Peckham, I rescued her and brought her to respectable Rotherhithe.
The worse that she ever did was “skim off the top” in the betting shop that she worked in, to fund her holidays in California and Hawaii in the seventies, but that was wrong and she knew it.
She’s pure as the driven snow now, even gave the money back when she got too much change in Waitrose!
The “criminals” in Hampstead and Fulham are gangsters, as opposed to the Peckham variant, gangstas.

Take it easy Uther, my wife is from Peckham, I rescued her and brought her to respectable Rotherhithe.
The worse that she ever did was “skim off the top” in the betting shop that she worked in, to fund her holidays in California and Hawaii in the seventies, but that was wrong and she knew it.
She’s pure as the driven snow now, even gave the money back when she got too much change in Waitrose!
Whereabouts in California and Hawaii did she visit?
Whereabouts in California and Hawaii did she visit?

She went with her friend Anne, two 18 y.o. girls, they had 2 or 3 days in L.A., then, (as teenage girls will do), they found out that Camp Pendleton, 100 miles to the south was running alive with U.S. Marines, and jumped on an Amtrak train to San Diego for the remainder of their first week.
The second week they returned to L.A. then flew to Honolulu, they toured around Hawaii and Oahu, then flew back to London via L.A. at the end of the week.

She went with her friend Anne, two 18 y.o. girls, they had 2 or 3 days in L.A., then, (as teenage girls will do), they found out that Camp Pendleton, 100 miles to the south was running alive with U.S. Marines, and jumped on an Amtrak train to San Diego for the remainder of their first week.
The second week they returned to L.A. then flew to Honolulu, they toured around Hawaii and Oahu, then flew back to London via L.A. at the end of the week.

Have you just inadvertently admitted to your wife getting a train ran on her?
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Have you just inadvertently admitted to your wife getting a train ran on her?

No I don’t think so, a “train run”, or “pulling a train”, is U.S. slang for for several men having sex one after the other, with or without the agreement of a woman.
In my post, I related that prior to knowing me, my wife and her friend Anne took a train ride from Los Angeles to San Diego.
I don’t doubt that they had a drink or flirted with off duty marines at Camp Pendleton, IF they flanneled the bartenders to get in, as they were under 21, but knowing my Nicky and her friend Anne, flirting would have been all they did.
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