Satisfactory Alpha release



28 Jul 2010
Why are they not allowed to have some enjoyment, we are all gonna die, some before others.

I am more flabbergasted that it even registers on the OMG did someone actually type that....Send me your addy and i will post a delicate little flower in the post for you. /hugs.
14 Jun 2004
I am more flabbergasted that it even registers on the OMG did someone actually type that....Send me your addy and i will post a delicate little flower in the post for you. /hugs.
could you maybe sent 5 or 8? roses preferable, scheduled to arrive on the 14th, so i can pass them on to my GF.. it would save me some ££ there's a good chap, thank you muchness (cost of living and all).

Why are they not allowed to have some enjoyment, we are all gonna die, some before others.
its just not the usuall comment you'd expect, but i do agree 100% doesnt matter your status so long as you can enjoy your self.
not every terminal person has a large number of people around them or any at all. they might even prefer not to.
these types of games are great time sinks and help distract from other stuff going on in life, given the right community anyone can make some new friends & memories before passing on.
its about how you deal with being terminal/retired/long term sick and making the most of the times and enjoying as much as possible.

Im counting down to heart attack.. its cheaper than retirement!

Back on thread topic
i was thinking (for a long time) of going back to this for update 8, but im going to leave this for the full release i think. i have a lot of other content to work through and im burning out slowly on factorio at the moment! (new pc upgrade needed lso)
so differant game for a while and then back to satisfactory.
i've managed to explore a good portion of the map, but actual infrastructure im in starting lands, i started a rail netwokr but its just not so easy/good. as i remember i was working on teir 8, and had everything sort of working but not automated and limited drone usage. Belts just worked better than trains and haulers for me.

i do need to check back on the haulers have those been sorted out now?
Soon so soon!!! the story will appear and those shperes will stop hypnotising me in to doing their bidding.. get ready everyone Boss Battle!!
30 Dec 2010
Over here
Why are they not allowed to have some enjoyment, we are all gonna die, some before others.

I am more flabbergasted that it even registers on the OMG did someone actually type that....Send me your addy and i will post a delicate little flower in the post for you. /hugs.

You are grossly overestimating the impact of your post. I simply said it was weird.
I think you're the last kind of person I'd want to be sending my address to as well, but thank you for the offer pet :)
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14 Jun 2004
Snowdrop: Hope - Rebirth. Carnation: Devotion - Loyalty - Love. Snowdrop: The small and fragile snowdrop flower is a symbol of rebirth and overcoming obstacles in life, blooming in the winter months, between January and March they typically cover large patches, blanketing the earth with swatches of white.

the symbolisum works well to! muchus gratuitous she'll love the smboliusm it represents, every relationship has obstacles and challenges to over come.

noe if only there were a mod for that ! and i could get her into Satisfactory instead of stardew valley !
18 Oct 2002
Same here, I have dabbled in it off and on but decided to wait for the finished version I think to really get started. For a early access it has been one of the best
I’m in the same boat. So much seems to be added at every update that I decided to wait until release.

Ideally I’d like to wait until they (hopefully) add proper controller support so I can play from my sofa rather than at a desk.
14 Jun 2004
@wnb could i possibly request a thread title change :D

Satisfactory is finally leaving Early Access and launching into 1.0 on September 10th!(linky)
Players can look forward to plenty new features coming in 1.0, however, today we're happy to announce one of the most long awaited features,
You will finally be able to flush the toilet in the HUB
!!! Premium plumbing is now a reality, the HUB’s once trivial toilet has been updated with an advanced flushing mechanism, providing an extra luxurious worker experience for pioneers.

I'm sure this is all the news you need to be excited for 1.0 but there's of course much more content coming. Much of it has yet to be revealed but let's summarize some of the changes we've revealed so far coming in 1.0.

Several resource nodes have been added, altered, or removed on the world map, enabling new possibilities to tangle the most beautiful conveyor belt spaghetti to ever grace Planet MASSAGE-2(A-B)b. Even seasoned Pioneers may need to remove their helmets and scratch their heads over how to efficiently use all new resources available to them.

The bulk of specifically node reductions have happened in the Northern Forest, to encourage expansion from there once players progress into the later phases of the game. On the same note, nodes have been sprinkled throughout the map, placed where it makes geographical sense and to achieve a more even spread of resources. The main materials addressed are Caterium, Sulfur and Quartz.

On top of this, nodes of Iron, Copper, Limestone as well as water Geysers have received the sprinkle treatment across the map, to help the income of basic resources wherever you raise a factory. Coal has also seen changes, with a slew of it being added in close vicinity to The Abyss, while also being removed in a couple spots on the map.

For full details on how resource nodes have changed, please refer to our node maps in the Satisfactory 1.0 Press Kit.
1.0 also introduces changes made to recipe costs, to promote smoother transitions between phases and tiers especially later in the game, and to allow players to access tools, vehicles and other fun things for you to use while having fun working your bones off for FICSIT (just don’t tell your boss you enjoy your job!). We want to allow players to explore more varied means of exploration, optimization and better quality of life as they progress through Project Assembly.

In tiers 5 and 6, progress will no longer be gated by Heavy Modular Frames and Computers respectively - you can now progress through either tiers without these items. In the case of Heavy Modular Frames, manufacturing them becomes more relaxed by reducing the number of Encased Industrial Beams needed. Computers, meanwhile, no longer require Screws to be created, reducing the number of materials needed to manufacture them to three. A key takeaway from these example changes is that you may now unlock Trains without utilizing Heavy Modular Frames or Computers whatsoever!

Another example of the relaxed requirements in the endgame is how players will interact with Supercomputers in 1.0, which will no longer be used to make Programmable Splitters or Geothermal Generators. Programmable Splitters will instead use AI Limiters, and Geothermal Generators will use Highspeed Connectors.

Like the relaxed Recipes, changes are being made in several MAM Research trees to not have players face a huge spike in complexity and effort when moving between adjacent Tiers.

Relaxing the harsh wall introduced by Supercomputers even further, they are no longer part of the Caterium MAM Tree. For explorations sake, Gas Masks are now unlocked

through the Mycelia MAM Tree instead of in Tier 5, and the Jetpack will be available upon entering Tier 5 rather than needing Oil Processing completed first

Power issues could be strong causes for friction up till now, especially early-game, which we also mean to address in 1.0. Firstly, Biomass Burners now have an input for Conveyor Belts, letting you automate everything yielded by your relentless planetary deforestation. The hope with this change is that people can spend more time designing and building early game factories without being stopped regularly by the need to refill Burners manually.

Furthermore, in the late-game, Fuel Generators are seeing an increase in how much power they can produce, from 150MWh to 250MWh, or a roughly 67% increase. With this change, Fuel Generators will also consume proportionally more materials, but the additional power they provide should make them able to compete easier with Nuclear power now, which otherwise tends to overshadow the need for Fuel Generators.

Efforts to ensure a stable and consistent gaming experience with Satisfactory never cease. 1.0 has had a lot of time to simmer in UE5, and steps have been taken to further reduce stuttering, memory requirements, overly chunky computations and texture memory requirements. VRAM, DLSS/FSR, shadow rendering, level streaming, actors in the world and costs between different settings have all been optimized as well. Satisfactory has also been updated to support Unreal Engine 5.3.

In more detail, up until 1.0, Foliage used to have hitboxes which checked for collisions with vehicles constantly. This leads to a lot of computations happening all the time, everywhere in your vicinity, which could make performance drop significantly. Especially on Dedicated Servers, where up to 12GB of RAM could be occupied with most of it being non-stop collision checks. To combat this, vehicles in the world no longer destroy Foliage as you drive through it, which not only saves a ton of computational effort, but frankly also looks a lot better in the actual game.

If you’re a fan of belts and pipes, computations for these now happen in clusters of belts and pipes in the same vicinity, rather than for every individual one. This helps performance in especially bigger factories, where belts and pipes are used just about everywhere. We’re relying a lot more on your GPUs moving forwards for these computations of clusters, since GPUs are very fast and efficient even with more sizable calculations.

Continuing, many buildables players can't interact with are being changed to Lightweight Actors, or “data-only” objects. These actors include foundations, railings and so on, and what’s basically happening to them is that a lot of needless data is being trimmed off them, since these actors specifically were always meant to be aesthetic or non-interactable. Not loading all this extra, useless data for these actors will greatly help save, load and runtimes.

Dedicated Servers are being spruced up proper for 1.0 and will no longer be considered experimental. Moving forward, they’ll be receiving a lot more frequent support in terms of bug-fixing and polishing, and we’ve also addressed many bugs that have been prevalent in Dedicated Servers for a while.

First off, by having their distribution size decreased, Dedicated Servers will be a lot faster to download and install. The servers now only use a single port, for both UDP and TCP, namely port 7777, and they also bind properly to IPv4 and IPv6 simultaneously.

The server exe-file can now be run as both a window and console application. Some benefits of the console application include improved logging and the ability to run scripts.

Dedicated Servers now also support TLS, where you can create certificates manually or have it automated when booting up the server. When attempting to connect to any given server, you’ll then be prompted to insert the certificate to ensure the server is legitimate.

When booting up a Dedicated Server, you’ll now be introduced to the Unreal console which more clearly displays important information about your server, such as server status or uptime. The main benefit of this console, however, is its built-in terminal which allows you to type in valid server commands in real time. Logging is also smooth in the Unreal console, with its own input box dedicated to logging and filtering.

In 1.0, you will be able to set up Advanced Game Settings for Dedicated Servers in the actual game’s own main menu. On top of the usual settings, you also have new options for auto-save intervals, opting in to send game data to us or deciding your network quality, among other things. If you are the server admin, you may now also download the server save data directly from this menu. Furthermore, the server notifies all clients that it is about to save, letting users know that it may undergo heavy workloads etc.

Finally, we’ve implemented support for an HTTP API which can handle HTTP request methods between the server and the client. This means it will be possible to develop external applications that can talk directly to the server and send HTTP requests to them directly. Documentations for this API will be released in the future, but we cannot wait to see how this makes your use of Dedicated Servers extend even further beyond what they currently are!

We’ve had players actively participating in our closed Beta for its runtime, and the feedback we’ve received has been very positive. This is reassuring, seeing as there are still many more changes and additions to the game in 1.0 that are quite wild, and honestly could’ve swung the pendulum hard in any direction. While keeping dialogues open with testers, we’ve discussed the points they’ve made together with our own thoughts and intentions, and made changes where it made sense, and keep on doing so.

From the start, this project could not have been taken this far without all of you. So, seriously, thank you. For all the feedback, discussions, active daily chats about everything Satisfactory, hanging out, cheering us on, telling us off when we’ve done goofed, bearing with us when the going’s been slow or silent, and last but certainly not least, playing the game. Knowing you all have been buzzing for Satisfactory for all this time has made the progress all the easier, and all the more fun. Make no mistake - this is as much your game as it is ours, and we wouldn’t want it any other way.

Finally it is complete! the mystery can be solved and the factory allowed to grow
19 Dec 2006
About time lol, been wanting to play more but have been holding out for 1.0, I may actually book a week off lmao :D
13 May 2010
mods on servers have been useable for ages, have quite a few on my broccoli server!

Oh, I totally missed that!

I've been fine-tuning my rush to coal as that'll be the priority initially. Other than that, probably not going to play much till 1.0 arrives.
6 Aug 2010
It’s good to have a date finally and the video announcement gives away some of the nee buildings and things. I basically gave up on my world when they announced v1.0 so looking forward to getting back in to it.

I may even build an actual factory this time instead of floating platforms full of machines :D
19 Dec 2006
Cant wait for full release! I've got around 100 hours in this, but i'm holding off now until Sept!
Noob :p


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