Save it for the black stuff... OcUK Manchester Meet 3

Ok i would like to formally announce my non attendance at the next mm meets as i have managed to upset and annoy so many people, i feel that to avoid further trouble i shall not attend. :(

Now lets have some more pics. :D
Gilly said:
I hope you aren't talking about Lopez or I.

No, I wasn't :)

I was suprised at his reaction actually. He shouldn't have flipped out like he did, but you can't blame him really.

Anyway, you and Lopez are going to be recieving an e-mail when I cba to get it sent :p

Oh, how's the pizza? ;)

edit... :eek: Si, what are you playing at? How can the 'head organiser' not turn up at MM's?
Right. MM4. Start at the services, then go and sit outside Cymattys house :D

And I want to know who it was dammnit!
agw_01 said:
Just one last thing before we get this damn thread back on topic...

Who's actually prepared to apologise to Mike and Clive for accusing them?

If it does indeed turn out to be this person, I think it's only fair. You might not like it, but hell, if I had accused someone and it turned out not to be anything to do with them, I'd apologise too.

Sure Mike flipped his lid, but not until he got accused by a few people, so I still think he deserves an apology.

Here endeth my request.
I didn't accuse anybody of anything - I did say that I thought it was unwise to bring people from other forums to forum specific meets as it is often bad news. No apologies will be forthcoming from me anyway.

People do not call moderators "pricks" and retain their accounts. End of story.

agw_01, (although this goes for anybody else as well) if you are going to continue to get friends of yours from other forums (particularly single make forums - these seem to have the biggest population of problem posters) to sign up here you may well want to make sure they have read the FAQ and made a note of the rules and generally accepted posting style here. If they are going to wade in after a week or 2 of membership and start insulting the moderators they are not going to last very long.
I'm sure all comments have been taken on board.

However, I would like to thank AGW for bothering to organise this and hope this won't put him off organising the next one.
Lopez, I understand mate and agree with you. I did actually warn Mike when he first signed up about the rules here, and told him to edit his posts in the past when he swore.

Anyway... just sorting through the pics now... I'll edit this post when I do, so as not to be even more of a post whore :D

matt, don't just thank me mate. Thank cymatty as well. It was him who found the route.
cymatty said:
Lol, nah i feel really guilty and dont want to face a lot of people again after what i have done today. :(

It's called a learning experience mate - you learn the lesson and move on (hopefully a wiser person). Discounting yourself from any other meets may be just a tad over-reactive.

agw_01 said:
On another note... that RS is a ******* MONSTER!!!!!!!

Very very quick on the straights and around bends. It grips like there's no tomorrow! Muchos thankos go to John for giving me a lengthy demo of that :cool:

My pleasure mate, glad you enjoyed it. For my part, thanks to you both for putting the effort into organising this thing, it was a dammed good day.
Goliath said:
It's called a learning experience mate - you learn the lesson and move on (hopefully a wiser person). Discounting yourself from any other meets may be just a tad over-reactive.
OK, that may have been a little better put than mine, but we agree. Don't write yourself out of future meets Si.
Goliath said:
It's called a learning experience mate - you learn the lesson and move on (hopefully a wiser person). Discounting yourself from any other meets may be just a tad over-reactive.

The thing is its the fact a so called mate could do this to me that has wound me up so i dont want this thing to happen again he didnt even attend the meet ffs. I have upset myself and a many other people and i cant show my face again after this. :(
cymatty said:
The thing is its the fact a so called mate could do this to me that has wound me up so i dont want this thing to happen again he didnt even attend the meet ffs.
Its unrelated though. Your gimp of a mate shouldn't stop you attending meets!
cymatty said:
The thing is its the fact a so called mate could do this to me that has wound me up so i dont want this thing to happen again he didnt even attend the meet ffs. I have upset myself and a many other people and i cant show my face again after this. :(

What Gilly said, plus the fact that you've stood up and apologised in public for your over-reaction. Takes guts, don't beat yourself up over losing your cool a little bit, it happens to the best of us. In any case, I'll come and drag you out physically to the next one ;)
Goliath said:
What Gilly said, plus the fact that you've stood up and apologised in public for your over-reaction. Takes guts, don't beat yourself up over losing your cool a little bit, it happens to the best of us. In any case, I'll come and drag you out physically to the next one ;)

Your a scary guy i will have to go into hiding. I still have yet to speak to the culprit and see what he has to say it may make me feel better or worse.
Also havent heard from benno bro hope he isnt still mad. :(

It shall teach me to keep my cool. :cool:
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