Save it for the black stuff... OcUK Manchester Meet 3

benno_bro said:
I'd like to thank you Goliath, My mates dream car is a focus RS and he hasn't stopped talking about it since he got back

Next time I'll make sure you get a turn in the passenger seat mate, I think you were the only one that didn't get a chance. :(
cymatty said:
The thing is its the fact a so called mate could do this to me that has wound me up so i dont want this thing to happen again he didnt even attend the meet ffs. I have upset myself and a many other people and i cant show my face again after this. :(

Least you didn't prang your prize motor like I did mate!! :o You just got to jump back on the bike and ride on.. excuse the analogy!
Si, you have to turn up, it wasn't your fault at all, sounds like it was a case of immaturity on the behalf of your "friend" to be honest.

I'm just glad its all blowing over, and its a shame that rover220 overstepped the mark.

For the record I didn't accuse ANYONE, and wouldn't do so until proof (or at least evidence) was pointed towards an individual, I will admit I was jumping to conclusions a little, but they were mainly on MSN, and due to circumstancial evidence (like unique IP's, account created prior to today, knew the forum, knew andy's height etc etc).

I for one (all jibes against rovers aside) though that the rovertech lads were an ok bunch of guys, they took the rover bashing on the chin, and dished out as good as they got all in the name of light hearted fun. Vitesse seemed well looked after too!
If MM4 does take place then someone should bring a helmet up and I will willingly give people a blast on the back the bike :)
I had one dodgy moment where I was following the black Mx-5 and the corner was far sharper and far wetter than i first remembered and I had to apply the brakes while on the corner which caused the front wheel to slip away briefly and I ended up about 3 inches off the kerb. Other than that I had an event free 250 miles today :)

agw, are the pics you posted at full size? If you have the same 2 photos at original resolution I would love them emailed to me, lukechad13[at] if you could mate :)
paradigm said:
knew andy's height etc etc

Clearly they didn't. For all we know, they could have posted that I had a small willy :eek: :p :D Now that obviously wouldn't be true.

The Vitty was extremely clean. I don't think I saw a single spot of rust on it... even on the arches where they usually start. And that dump valve... I don't think I'd heard one hiss for so long before.

I bet the people in front of us on the demo run were thinking... WTF is under the bonnet? An army of snakes!?!!

Luke, you showed balls out there mate! Kudos to you for riding those roads on a bike! Some of them are really bad! Nope, the pictures I posted were resized quite a bit. I'll get the full size versions sent to you now :)
Heh, cheers mate, i didnt feel that bad to be honest and I will sure to be making another visit to them roads in the summer when they are a bit better for us 2 wheel junkies.

As I told you there, the bumps got a bit violent at *cough* 60mph, spent most of the time in the bloody air :(
Heh, I think I was the first to notice the burning pads, i told everyone but they couldnt see anything as the car was reversing, as it stopped quite a lot of smoke poured from the front wheels for a good couple of minutes!

Well if you have them use them thats what i always say :p

Pics received Andy, thanks a lot :)
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Glad you got them Luke.

:eek: Those brakes are quite scary. I had them smoking in the 214 when I went to the pre-meet a few weeks ago. That was fun :D The 220's weren't smoking but they were pretty bloody hot!
Got back a little while ago but my comp was giving blue screens of death. :(

Firstly thanks to AGW for organising the meet and to everyone that turned up, was a good day and nice to see some of you again.

Coco I wish I had your driving skills and bottle, Pauls Type R sound fantastic too.

I set a few new records for my self today, not only did I mange to beat the 90 miles to half a tank with a whopping 50miles to half a tank. Well I say half but when I left the services it wasnt 100% full put you get the picture.

Anyway, when I left the pub I had half a tank and thought I would give the 55mph trick ago. :eek: Couldnt believe it, from half to 1/4 I managed to do 120miles so for the rest of the trip I did 55 all the way home and hardly used any fuel what so ever.

Did 238 miles in total and when I got home the clock said 528 so not bad for a days driving.

Thought of loads of things to say on the long trip back but forgotten most but ah well.

For the next meet I think I will have to cruise up doing 55 and go for a all time breaking mpg for an MR2 Turbo.

Gonna resize some pics and post them in a bit.
I forgot to add I overtook Stephen Hendry on the way back home on the M6 :D, well, i tormented him and he shifted into the middle lane to let me past, i have him a wave though to say thanks
He had a ghastly blue/purple/fade Evo 8 :)
Here are a few pics, I will have them all resized and uploaded by about 5pm tomorrow.





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