Saving Sessions / Demand reduction thread

No date, just some info.

The nationalgrid ESO has issued a Marke Information Report regarding Winter 23/24 DFS, which is worth a read.


Its going to be very interesting to see how it plays out because you certainly have a few different cohorts who will take differing actions based on the price

Eg I would probably be happy to export down to say 50pence as long as I can still import for 30pence, I don't think I would consider lower then 20p profit per kwh since its wear and tear on the batteries, conversion loss, and they current save me 20p roughly in normal operation

But the people "sitting in the dark" would surely mainly have a much higher threshold, since for many they are only gaining a few £ max now.

There will a group of "die hard" savers who will carry on and be happy with 5p for sitting in the dark for an hour.
Yes, as an exporter with a battery, I'd probably accept a lower figure (though I wouldn't like it) as it should still be profitable (to a certain point) especially with the standard export payment on top, but I can why someone just doing the saving would give up if the price paid went much lower as already the payments can be pretty miniscule.
Nice. Annoyingly, I was meant to be out early this evening, so would have been able to really maximise my output but that looks to have fallen through. Also, I believe this is the first session with actual bidding, so will be interesting to see how the price pans out.
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