Saving Sessions / Demand reduction thread

Depends if you want to vote with your feet or get paid something, for me £1.75 is still a no-brainer, I mean I was exporting on Flux when the delta was 20p import overnight and export at like 36p or w/e, even at 50p/kWh you'd still profit from it (would cover some peak usage). We get paid normal export on top of course.

I suspect that some may not bother if it dips too low though, and those who don't force export usually may not be encouraged to reduce usage much.
Was hoping it wouldn't go below £2, ill have to make my mind up if I want to add to the participants count.
Octopus low balled, higher bids were rejected. Axle (givback) bid £2.99 apparently which was rejected.

Its always going to be viable with batteries, the issue with going lower is there is less incentive for normal users to save.
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Octopus control the narrative with the price here as last I checked they had most of the saving session customers, and with so many people who can do exports etc using them in combo with solar, they're pretty much going to be setting the price.
We're such low users anyway our baseline is usually like 0.8kwh for that time of day (0.81 today) so at less than £2 a unit it's not really worth the effort or cooking a different meal using the gas top instead of the oven as the absolute most we're likely to earn is just over a quid if we sit in 1 room for an hour with a single light on and no telly.
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