Scottish Elections Result

16 Nov 2009
^Yeah, how is everything going to be divided up? It'll probably end up costing a fortune. What about all the Scots who come to work in England? Will some kind of immigration be imposed? What about the many English 'nobility' that own Scottish titles and land (actually, I don't care about them :D)? Will Scotland take a % of the national debt? How d'you work out the percentage?

So many questions!
29 Aug 2003
Are you sure? I thought most of the cost rises came after responsibility was transferred from westminster/HM treasury?

Yes I'm sure.

The problems came from the westminster contract which was controlled by the Scottish Office in it's dying days.

Responsibility did not transfer to the intermediatry new Scot's parliament; they had an oversight committee that spent years going nuts - but Westminster had ensured they had no chance of interference.

It's a very old myth this one.
29 Aug 2003
Alex Salmond has got a full house;

The scalps of all three oposition leaders as the Tory leader resigns.


Well aren't the London bosses a bunch of idiots then.

Annabel's been pushed, and there is no reason to blame her for the parties legacy.

What a shame, you'll be missed Annabel.
29 Aug 2003
No-one left in the Scottish Parliament to give Eck a worthwhile arguement. Let it begin in full earnest, the utter humiliation of the unionist parties. :)

All governments need an effective opposition, regardless if it is your creed in power or not.

Undoubtadly Annabel was the person for the job, not now.

Hopefully she will instead nominate herself for presiding officer.
29 Aug 2003
Scotsman said:
Leader of the Scottish Conservatives Annabel Goldie resigns

The leader of the Scottish Conservatives is to step down following the "seismic" Holyrood election results.

Annabel Goldie said she will stay on until a likely election to find a new leader later this year.

She said: "I believe that the time has come for the torch to pass and I can confirm that I will not be a candidate.

"There are four years until the next UK general election, and five years until the next Holyrood contest.

"I want my successor to have the maximum time for him or her to shape the party and its policies, and to lead the opposition at Holyrood.

"For the sake of clarity, I will remain as leader of the MSP group until my successor takes over, and I will of course remain as an MSP for the duration of the Parliament.

"It has been an enormous privilege to lead my party. Over the coming weeks, months and years, I will fight with every ounce of my energy to support my party, my successor and my country."

Miss Goldie is the third party leader to quit after the unprecedented SNP victory last week.
29 Aug 2003
I thought Annabel Goldie was a good leader, shame she's gone. I suspect you're right about being forced out.

I think she had a lot going for her too, London wasn't happy with the drop in vote though from what I've read today which is a shame because I really do think they are cutting their nose of to spite their face given the circumstances.

I'm not sure reactionary politics is always a good idea either; you give the opposition (the SNP in this case) the idea that they have wiped the floor with everyone.

They did in some respects, but Annabel's campaign was largely succesful in light of the massive earthquake that happened.. it could have been worse for them put it that way.

Now, where do I send my application?

Get involved, I'm sure the party is screaming for new blood and ideas right now.. :)
23 Oct 2002
I think she had a lot going for her too, London wasn't happy with the drop in vote though from what I've read today which is a shame because I really do think they are cutting their nose of to spite their face given the circumstances.

According to the BBC;

In 2007 the party secured 17 seats, although under new boundaries they notionally had 20 seats.

Following Thursday's vote, the party's number of seats dropped to 15.

A 25% drop in seats when the Lib-Dems were expected to bear the brunt is poor.

They did in some respects, but Annabel's campaign was largely succesful in light of the massive earthquake that happened.. it could have been worse for them put it that way.

As I said before, with the current economic situation, saying you will put prescription charges back up was dumb. A smarter campaign could have resulted in being the opposition.
29 Aug 2003
do_ron_ron said:

I think saying 14 year olds could leave school again was a bit off.

I'm not rejecting it outright and some of her points and arguments were valid and then largely ignored or passed over, but she must have seen the pitfalls in conjunction with 'common' perception and legacy of the party and the sensativities around education and employment anyway.

There is no reason why if it can't be accomplished with the grant just now, it shouldn't. Even the freeze while having some long term correction being required at some point it was a very progressive and popular move. Swinney costed it for four years, and will have to for another five even in the face of cuts passed down the line.

10 years of pause on local government growth in rates is fine by me, and I think it was fine by a lot of other people as well. It's better than Labour not spending it, and sending it back to Westminster anyway.

Kids down mines (some must have looked at it so emotively) and rising taxes isn't going to bite it, not here not right now.

do_ron_ron said:
A smarter campaign could have resulted in being the opposition.

I think it was too heavily stacked against them, the obliteration of the Lib Dems and Labour's lead melting away had a momentum effect and ultimately picked up votes from across the board and importantly the swing voters.

I fail to see what the Scottish conservatives could have done about it without addressing the key concerns they have reported internally about its perception.

Although I hear whispers that some in Scottish Labour are going to press for a federalist setup to the party, lose London HQ. This is at the same time as London HQ are pondering over airlifting a Westminster veteran in to help the meagre ranks - the most stupid move I've heard yet.

The conservatives and labour could be doing without this mess considering what the realisation of an SNP majority means..
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