Scottish Elections Result

nice sig lol hater

It's tongue in cheek as a rebuttal to somewhat challanged people who constantly press xenophobic nonesense in relation to anything Scottish; although given your record and performance today I'm not suprised the irony flew right passed you...

(Is this OK?)
Any particular reason?

It depends on it's use, sassenach for example is supposed to be 'friendly banter' but can cause offence.

I'm finding this thread interesting, the silly posts from certain people aside and it would be interesting to see how the population of Scotland would vote if such a referendum was held some time in the future, as well as how the country would cope separate from what would remain, and how England, Wales and NI would cope, too.

I would too.

The referendum result would be dependent upon record of governance, a national debate, potential unknown UK issues or implications and global and market conditions.

It may seem like a wing and a prayer at the moment, but give it time.
Trying to debate/talk something with Biohazard is often a less than fruitful experience.

I've just noticed this.

I think plenty people have had enjoyable debates with me over the last few days, English or not and they have said as much. The more extreme cases, I don't really care about them they are not rational people but even then I don't see what I've done wrong in your eyes?

Perhaps if you didn't approach me so pre-tensed you wouldn't have such poor feelings of our initial contact in debate?

I for one have learned so much from so many here through debate, and I am saddened you feel like such.
I don't disagree with most of your points biohazard (although I don't think it's all as clear cut as you like to believe from your snp propaganda :p)


Part of what I have said tonight may mirror the SNP policy, and by all means it is pretty evident I help them, but I am not slavishly attached to SNP policy.

If I had, I would be professing Europe and the Euro for a starter..

but, I don't understand your belief that scotland would have less debt in the future as an independent state.

Not just the UK, all of us.

You seem to suggest it's because of swing majority politics but that will continue. Post-independence you would see labour and lib dems realign themselves according to the scottish electorate. The snp would also lose some support as people don't feel the need to vote them in as part of an independence agenda anymore. In short, I think you'd see a copy of our uk wide politics but not necessarily centred in the same place.

The SNP would melt away or transform, and I'd instantly become a Scot's Tory.

This has little to do with the position we are in now though with damaging swing majority governments that drag us in one direction, then the other, then back, and back again etc etc
Reported. This forum isn't the place for hatred filled drivel like this, take it elsewhere and out of a family friendly forum like OCUK please.

I wouldn't bother, it clearly is.

Hate driven racism and xenophobia are acceptable; words like idiot or fool are not.

Go figure, and if you do please send me a postcard with the answer...
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Why is anyone talking about America? Surely Russia will be Scotland number 1 buddy, how annoyed would everyone be then!

Also to be fair, it is hard to be any kind of nation on earth without some sort of dealings with them, or interference more accurately.

I'm sure everyone would be our 'buddy' exactly because of the Russian Bear..
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Biohazard, I might not agree with your views (I'm a reactionary Tory at heart) but man... you have dedication to this thread and topic haha. Respect. I'm happy with the victory too, the less Labour the better.

:cool: Ahleckz deserves some credit too... our adoptive English son. :D

Hopefully next time we can get rid of even more..
This whole thread is a complete waste of time. Scotland will not gain independence, just like Northern Ireland hasn't.

Ireland did though, didn't it?

Forget about that one, or 1/4 of the earth that has sucessfully removed British rule?

Why show such narrow historic scope?

Now **** and play nicely like Wales does.

I think you'll find it very hard to shut anyone up with arguments like this.

An independent Scotland would be a massive waste of time and would benefit no one.

I am bowled over by your overwhelming evidence and tactful counter argument of course... :D
It's a bit different when the rest of the world was only under British rule for a couple of decades at most. The Union has been around for much longer than that.

That isn't very accurate on the whole, and even if it was it would be irrelevent in comparison to a future economic plans hinging on a yes referendum.

The argument I posted was merely light hearted comment at the fact that you'll never change the minds of someone who won't listen to any reason or opinions than their own, even if the other person is giving a perfectly rational and economically correct argument.

Hmmm if you say so but next time try using a smiley to save confusion ;) :p

I predict if Scotland did become independent, there would be a big party and then everyone would think "err... so what do we do now?"




Everyone would wake up with a bad hangover and get back to their daily life. the Civic landscape would then undergo obvious long term changes to suit..
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Scotland would be in a bad shape at this moment if it became independent now

Mainly because of historic Wesminster socioeconomic mismanagement, New Labour and select ruddy private sector bankers..

but give it a few years. Once the recession is over and things are growing, I think things will be much easier for us and people then will be much more open to the idea of independence, just wait and see... only time will tell. Of course I'll be against it, but I can still feel the winds changing... threatening the already fragile union. With labour out of action seemingly in Scotland they won't be able to rely on us - which could pave a way for a conservative outright victory at the next general.

Theoretically speaking (with no hicups) yes, which would be a very strange unchartered territory with regards to the UK's political makeup and would be potentially set to be very turbulent as well by this point, 2015, SNP would have been in majority power for four years and if they stick to their plan the referendum may be kicking about at this time.

That could confuse the Westminster approach to the subject if Holyrood can time it right, because the innevitable face off between Labour and Conservatives has to happen they are also likely to combine, officially or not, to campaign for the Union. It could be a very congested time, consitutionally, and I don't think either will have the capacity to confront each other and campaign in full blown mode up here which if it ever came to it the SNP would break the bank and their backs for. I suspect Dave know's this, if he's smart he'll start a positive dialogue for the Union now and treat us better than the Establishment has the odd habbit of doing.

The coalition itself may end up being a costly distraction in all this..

Hopefully the other parties have learned the lessons of negitive campaigning in Scotland now; with the exception of the Scottish Conservatives to a very large degree due to their succesful campaign.
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Pen66 - It becoming increasingly common on the forum to see this sort of thing go unpunished. So it's obviously going to keep happening. You can't be racist on OCUK but it seems to be a green light to be anti-Scottish or anti-English.

It needs to be stamped on, not only because it's bloomin pointless but because it gets in the way of proper debates on the forum.

No one is really bothered and I didn't expect them to be. I've rtm'd it and nothing. Year after year threads get trashed (way worse than this) and it is seemingly acceptable.

But what is seemingly not acceptable is the use of the word 'fool' et al which will result in an infraction; where as in comparison you can purposefully troll discussions with ill intended xenophobic slurs poking fun even at the expense of war dead and this is perfectly acceptable for a 'family friendly' business.. aye as long as you ain't Scottish.

What more can I say other than bring on more Jew, 'Scotch' and KKK threads. :D
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