Scottish Elections Result

29 Aug 2003
That is utter rubbish. Why on earth would Scotland be a third world country if it had been independant?

Don't treat it with rationale, it isn't worth it.

Just smile, or laugh... it doesn't matter.

English opinion doesn't actually matter, and I think some of them absolutely hate that fact.
29 Aug 2003
they dont they want the stability of beeing part of the UK but the independance of beeing its own country and wont accept they cant have it both ways...

You don't even understand economics.

they seem blinded by hatred and wont accept beeing independant means you are on your own...

Straw man fallacy and Argumentum ad nauseam

biohazard just ignores any facts you present cos he knows best init.... :rolleyes:


I bet I even know more about your country than you do. hahaha

Behave please
29 Aug 2003
Happy SNP Bee says 'Hi'

29 Aug 2003
It is a shame really as the subject of independance could be a fascinating one without all the BS that gets spouted.

Over the coming weeks I'll try (and I know I've said this before) to present two arguments in SC;

The economic case for Scottish Independence.


The continued decline of the UK state.

Keep your eyes peeled.

I would only partially agree with you here. Certainly English opinion does not matter as far as the question of independance goes, it does however matter quite a bit when it comes to what the settlement would look like.

Actually, that is a really interesting interjection.

Technically once entered into negotiations, there is no consultation or vote for either electorate.

The elected representatives do it all on our behalf.
29 Aug 2003
I was thinking that as well :p

And I think this also goes back to the currency question, particularly as regards the likes of the Euro. Being able to set your own interest rate is a must for a small nation like Scotland, as part of the UK it's acceptable as we're largely in sync with the other parts, but if we were part of the Euro it would be more luck as to whether the ECB rate was appropriate for Scotland.

29 Aug 2003
Yeah, but those elected representatives will want to be re-elected so they are very much behoven to fight their corner or at least be able to pretend they did! It would be interesting to see the dynamics to be honest as to who would hold the most bargaining power.

I'm not trying to sound too brutal and I know I'm repeating myself, but once in motion neither government has to consult anyone and they will not seek unique validation for one such undertaking either.

It shouldn't be about trying to twist a good deal, I would hope that common sense would prevail and we would do things as equally as possible on as many fronts as possible.

Westminster holds more bargaining power by default, but with a referendum behind the SG it would bring itself some moral parity.

Not total parity however, but this is where I hope we would agree on a genuine equal settlement that would benefit the post union economic co-operation and market interactions.

With so many claims back and forth and apparent 'bitterness' towards the Establishment and it's 'apathy' in return, I would like to think we could all finally grow up and part on equal and friendly terms.
29 Aug 2003
The bank bailout was one of the few things Pa Broon did a good job of.

How hard is it to dither and then run to the markets cap in hand, to then give back to the markets in our name though?

Gordon Broon was a ****.

The taxpayer will profit if the tories will stop coming out with silly proposals.
29 Aug 2003
I just don't know, i do know that us scottish can be greedy and prejudice beyond belief(beyond any other country in the world) so maybe being independant will quelch that for a while but i can't see scotland ever reaching the morality of england, scots base almost everyting on status, if we don't have the status then life doesn't mean anything.

Jesus :rolleyes:

Everyone in the world base things on status.

Its called living in a HUMAN SOCIETY.

We aren't the only one's to have encountered it, btw.

We will die with status or without anyway, i see us scots as poor men, unable to take any kind of responsibility

Except they have just voted for a party that wants full responsibility for its own tax raising and spending?


akin to a third world country really

If you think Scotland is that bad, England is also a third world country by the same definitions.

I wasn't informed the third world had invaded the first, new one on me.

how that came to be with all the great people that have taught us will burden me to the end.

I wouldn't worry to much, if Scotland is currently as bad as Africa then surely you should just leave and never think about it again?

But it does worry me that the greed and gloatinness of the snp are aking over, if you ever thought that the scots we're humble and god fearing then think again, they seem to be power hungry and ignorant to dangers of the snp. Am i really suprised?

The SNP aren't taking over, people are voting for them.

Do you get elections in third world countries anyway?

God you're confusing me..
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29 Aug 2003
I fully understand that, however they would still then have to answer to their electorate at the next election. So if either side is seen to "lose" in the negotiations then it could cost them quite heavily in terms of votes.

Indeed, but I don't think that will have too much bearing on what happens.

I've briefly pointed out why an uneven deal would be worse for both in the long run, I hope each side would recognise this.

I agree, I too would like to see a fair settlement if independance were to happen, however after seeing some of the views in this thread I do dispair of the British voter on occassion!

29 Aug 2003
That's a great watch.

I'm glad somone watched it.

In summary. Scottish Oil & Gas funded unemployment for the whole of the UK for years!

Pretty much, Scotland's oil was used to help the transition to remove it's industries.

Scotland produces more oil than Kuwait

Certainly at the time of production of the documentary, yes.

Shetland with a population of 22k has a budget surplus of £500m

Crazy isn't it? But nope, London makes all the money remember.


Any talk of reserves running out is purely to lower the estimated taxation of which we are the highest in europe! There is at least 40years of reserves of the current surveyed fields left and that is only a fraction of what is out there.

Yes, and as technology improves and prices rise we could even see an extension beyond that.

And most shockingly of all...Richard Hawkings brother is a fat Canadian. :eek:


I like what that fat Canadian had to say about our oil industry though.'s in the rest of the UK's interest for Scotland not to become independant!

Yes and no, in the short term yes but really in the long term no... our framework and direction will eventially lead to ruin.

If we can break off and adjust properly as smaller, more tactfully controlled economics, we can break this downwards trend.
29 Aug 2003
FF, what about blatant offensive xenophobic trolling then?

Why is that acceptable while my use of the word fool isn't?

This is stupid (can I say that???), the word is valid and it's use isn't an affront like bitter abuse.

Is troll then not also an abusive word, given the subjective contextual useage?
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29 Aug 2003
This is where I sense Alex Salmond is heading with the Scottish Government :D. As much as my heart says FREEEEDOM!!!!, my head says that Scotland should take it's time and get the best deal before breaking off. Not just for Scotland, but for Britain (not the UK) as whole. After all, Scotland will still want to help our neighbours. :)


In a nutshell, that's it. (not help, but trade)

But nope, we're all greedy and anti English.

Funny that eh?
29 Aug 2003
If you guys and gals go independent, Labour will never see power in the UK again ;)

Indeed, but again that doesn't detract from what is likely to continue if we don't.

Swing majority politics and increasing debt because of it.

Given that every major public spending crisis has been a result of labour being in power, scottish independence could be good for the rest of the UK in many ways :D

Would you see English constituences changing in the event of seperation?
29 Aug 2003
This is very true, it was only Scotland that protected Labour in 2010 despite the party performing worse by a clear margin than the Tories in 1997.

You understand the voting intention disconnect between Westminster and Holyrood polls, and the fear still held in Scotland regarding Westminster conservatives (justified to you me or anyone else or not) can have that effect?

Can you see how this 'spectrum' of UK politics actually has a toxicating effect on the overall system, which makes neither Scotland or England happy?

If Scotland starts sending more SNP MPs to Westminster, then Labour are in real trouble.

That is what I'm praying for.
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