Seagate 7200.10's are noisiest drives EVER!

so you're saying take it down and see if they will swap it me for a different one? a right thunky noise cant be any good, would it by any chance help that i bought it less than a week ago
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Might as well, but not too impressed with returns. Sorted it within 1 hour, but basically had to arque that it was faulty..rather than trusting the customer with fault finding list and swopping it there and then.

If I didn't press them would had to wait 1 week for testing.

tbh I don't think you will have much luck, if you've opened it and only want to return it because it's noisy. Unless Seagate announce that these noisy drives can be replaced like for like with the newer drives, without hassle I don't think you will get it changed. Still no harm in trying. If Seagate don't take them back what should the retailer do with them? Can't sell them as new, Seagate won't take them back- would have to sell as B grade, which means loss/less profit. Not defending OC (or any shop) but if I owned a shop I don't think I would replace it either. Unless it's audible at 15' away screeching away (but not getting read/write failures) I guess whether or not you can press Seagate/retailers that drives are out of spec. But then they use "changes may occur blah blah" or whatever in T&C's smallprint.
photoshop said:
you can get around the humming noise by buying an akasa elipse case and buying silentmaxx hdd enclosures and then getting hold of some foam and resting the enclosure (with the hdd in it) ontop of the foam on the bottom of the case.
But will this make any difference if the drive is noisy when held in my hand? I'm sure my hand is an excelllent at absorbing any vibration? It made no difference wether the HDD was in the case or not.
Rob43 said:
I'm going to try & put mine in a 5.25 bay with some anti vibration mounts,hope it helps :(

Mine has them and it didn't help I'm sorry to say :(
tehgazza said:
so you're saying take it down and see if they will swap it me for a different one? a right thunky noise cant be any good, would it by any chance help that i bought it less than a week ago
That doesn't sound good and does sound like the drive is faulty.
Chong Warrior said:
But will this make any difference if the drive is noisy when held in my hand? I'm sure my hand is an excelllent at absorbing any vibration? It made no difference wether the HDD was in the case or not.

Resting the enclosure on the foam dampens out any vibrations as foam is not a good conducter of sound (your hand is).
The type of foam i am talking about is the type which is like a sponge.

30-40% of noise generated by HDD's is due to the fastening mechanism used to mount the HDD to the case. You need to stop the vibrations from the HDD passing onto the case.
This can be achived to some degree by using rubber screws.
It can be achieved with great success by suspending the drives using elastic or string.
Or it can be eliminated by using enclosures free floating on foam. I prefer the last as the enclosure removed an extra 20-30% drive noise and eliminates the need of active cooling for the hdd.
I have Seagates in both my ath64 systems, ath32 barton, sempron and in my local fileserver (AMD K6 old school)...

All drives of varying age and usages, some SATA, some IDE - nevertheless, theyre all silent. Long live Seagate :D

Just purchased my first Samsung SpinPoint, wonder if that will be as quiet and speedy? Anyone experienced the Samsungs yet?
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took my 7200.10 back today as it was noisy, it is being tested by the end of the week, and theyll probably say hey it works, its loud but it works so u aint havin new one...
Currently running my C2D rig on a crappy 5400rpm 40gig maxtor
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Received my 7200.10 320gig this afternoon from OCUK. Firmware 3.AAE. Green glue. It sits in an ICY DOCK (eSATA connection) approx. 2 feet from me. Mobo DS4.

Very quiet & quick. Mucho happy with it.

Edit : Forgot to say it is the recessed spindle type.

Have a great Xmas all.


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Looking at getting another of these for the performance....

Can anyone shed any light on whether the current ones are quiet or not?
If i ordered the 320gb segate 7200.10 drive from week specials here at ocuk. What are the chances of getting a quiet one.

Can i request to only get a quiet one as in ask them to look at drive before they send it?

If so hows the best way to do that i.e phone or email. Prefere email as its free.
I just bought a 250GB 7200.10 OEM (advertised and packaged as a 7200.9 with 16mb cache at a local popular online (and instore) shop - this i thought was weird since 16mb drivers in 7200.9 flavour only exist above 300gb not 250.

Anyway I got it and the packing says 7200.9 but it is in fact a 7200.10 on the drive itself :p looks like i paid less for a better drive hehe, I pointed out their mistake by email and they seem to have just ignored my notification of their mistake. Oh well :rolleyes:

Pink dye btw, happily joins my 320gb 7200.10 in quietness and spec :p
Ive got two atm, both white goo iirc, cant hear them for my raptors and fans anyway!
not had a noisy one yet, keeping fingers crossed too got 2 more coming this week.
Chong Warrior said:
Bought one of these the other day, 320gb flavour, as everyone seems to be raving about them so seemed a good choice.... wrong!! They're so damn noisey :(

Took the hard-drive back today and got it replaced. The new one is exactly the same :mad:

I've never really noticed my hard drives before but this just shouts for attention. It makes a constant low pitched kind of buzzing sound all the time, even in the BIOS. Soon as it's powered up it does it and it's a very irritating sound. Almost sounds like it's making my whole case vibrate.

My case is an Antec Sonata and the drives are on rubber grommets. I wouldn't like to hear how loud they'd be in a normal case :eek:

Was going to post this yesterday but thought I'd wait and see what the replacement was like first incase it was just a one off. So warning to anyone whose thinking of buying one of these. I'd look elsewhere if I was you if you have a quiet PC.

I have 3 of them in a normal case and they only time I can hear them is when they are drive accessing, mind you I do have 7 fans going at the same time :D
Well, all cloned and running fine now, cloning was a mad chore, had to go through steps and ladders for it to work properly but it worked in the end :p This 7200.10 is much much faster than the 7200.7 it replaces!


(hd2 is the old 80GB 7200.7 windows drive, the new is the 250GB one, all 3 are dead silent though!)
Sorry for reviving this thread.
Just wondering whats the chances of getting a noisy one now?
I can't decide whether to go for the Spinpoint or the 7200.10 at the moment, I would like fast and quiet so its tough. Will be ordering either one of them tomorrow so please help!! :p
Don't really notice mine tbh.When running a virus I can barely here the HDD searching sitting about 8 feet from PC :)
Ordered mine at the end of last December and haven't looked back :D
You could suspend your hard drive in the CDrom bay with Sewing elastic. This works like a dream and costs pence!
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