Only if you want the HD option if not you can just switch to 2.0 on the Unit.
Ah nice, thanks.
Okay thank you, would be great if you could test it with a few other games you own. Since I don't play Rainbow Six it doesn't really matter to me, although this game doesn't have a true surround sound if I'm not wrong people have been arguing about that on reddit.
So would be nice to know how they sound in Witcher 3, CS, BF etc.
Again thanks for the fast reply, appreciate it!
Well i just tried it in battlefield 1 and it sounds amazing to me, i could position where everyone was shooting from and the sound quality was great. It's like you can hear every detail with a crisp and punchy sound but its also not over the top with bass (i personally don't like bass in games that much). You might want to look into comparing the sennheiser game ones with some similar priced headphones though unless you need a microphone build into your headphones.