Sennheiser HD650 - The classic beauty in a grey dress Appreciation thread!

I've always wanted one and being strictly a console gamer it all is pretty daunting. I've read it's better to build one but it all look so time consuming and would rather just buy one from here but as I research building might end up being easier than I thought, hopefully.

So intel is the way to go huh? I've read AMD is good for budget PC's but mid range and up intel is better for gaming but that's just one website so don't know how reliable that information is.
A gaming PC is very easy to have these days. My own one is quite old now but the GFX card was updated last year in order to accommodate the bigger monitor resolution I had. As said above, an i5 or i7 will be more than capable of supporting 8-16GB of DDR3 RAM and a decent GFX card. The stability of the whole system ultimately relies on the quality of your motherboard, so shop around and check out user reviews of various boards.
I don’t think you will go wrong with either AMD or Intel really, but the performance and longevity seems to be stronger with Intel, it’s a sure bet, even if it does cost a bit more going the Intel route.

My own system has a motherboard that came out in 2010! But was highly regarded as stable and well supported/specced, so it has lasted all these years and is running an i7 3770K with 16GB of 2100MHz DDR3. There are very few games that tax the system at 3440x1440 I find.
So in essence, spend good money on a quality motherboard and of course quality RAM, not necessarily the fastest RAM, but more a quality brand and model that’s renowned for stability and you can’t go wrong. The GFX card will dictate how your gaming experience fares since almost all games these days are GPU bound, not CPU bound.
I've always wanted one and being strictly a console gamer it all is pretty daunting. I've read it's better to build one but it all look so time consuming and would rather just buy one from here but as I research building might end up being easier than I thought, hopefully.

So intel is the way to go huh? I've read AMD is good for budget PC's but mid range and up intel is better for gaming but that's just one website so don't know how reliable that information is.

As things stand right now there is no reason to go AMD for the CPU on a serious gaming PC - Intel just have a silly advantage unless you are significantly cash strapped.

If you have no GPU brand preference AMD have some fairly serious offerings at the moment - the 390X is cost effective with solid performance if you've got a bit more money to spend then no reason to go for anything other than a 980ti really - the complication there is that both AMD and nVidia are relatively soon (but not immediately) going to be announcing their next generation of GPUs.
^^ Atleast he might get some informed answers here with a little less chance of descending into AMD v nVidia v Intel fanboyism :P
I've read a few people suggesting the Schiit Vali is too congested with the HD650's and doesn't allow the sound to open up fully.

I'm keeping an eye out for a used Magni but does anyone have any experience with a Cayin C5 and a HD650?
IMO to one degree or another a lot of amps are like that with the 600 series - they might not sound bad but when you hear an amp that really opens them up it is another level - a lot of amps are designed around current delivery and the 600 series really benefit from the ability to swing the voltage around.
Ah cool intel it shall be! it's good to know that there's some longevity with them, that's a factor for me.

Is there any good gaming PC's on here that are good for around 600-700? Maybe 800 at a push.

The Schiit Vali is one of the best matches for the HD650 I can think of outside the Valhalla 2 and Crack. The Vali isn't a rolled off, I've seen comments saying this but I personally don't hear it this way. I'd describe it as quite natural with a bit of an exciting character.

If you want them to "open up" then you need to be looking at things like the Val2, Crack which are more resolving.
I've always wanted one and being strictly a console gamer it all is pretty daunting. I've read it's better to build one but it all look so time consuming and would rather just buy one from here but as I research building might end up being easier than I thought, hopefully.

So intel is the way to go huh? I've read AMD is good for budget PC's but mid range and up intel is better for gaming but that's just one website so don't know how reliable that information is.

Of the OcUK gaming builds, by the time you add a decent graphics card you're looking at £700+ for an AMD FX build and £900+ for an Intel Skylake build. Going forward, you should be looking at GTX 970 or R9 390 as the minimum for playing AAA games at good frame rates @1080p.
As Roff said..

Atleast he might get some informed answers here with a little less chance of descending into AMD v nVidia v Intel fanboyism

I think Ryan has provided more than enough advice for people on audio to be given advice on something else from people he trusts.

[easyrider] how much more advice do you need? You said it was between the X2 and the HD 650 and Ryan has already said he prefers the HD 650 and why.
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Don't see what the big deal is, chill out. Anyway I made the bloody thread :D

Cheers Ridz! And everyone who commented :) Finally going to take this leap and experience PC shiz, got s lot of research still do do but it's going to be a fun process. Yeah I'd rather take advice from you guys because all of the fanboyism everywhere! Unbiased information is valuable.
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This thread is more or less an HD 650 owners club thread, which has a broader focus than just the headphones themselves - if all we were allowed to talk about was the HD 650s it would be a rather short thread indeed.

What was it you wanted to say about HD 650s anyway? You thinking of buying a pair?
I could understand if I made a new thread in the sound city forum, sure. On a thread having a small chat really isn't a big deal. There's 13 pages of HD650 information and opinions so no shortage of 650 talk.

I'll always go to people who I feel won't exaggerate, be bias etc and will actually be helpful! I can't guarantee that in the other forums, I'm new to this and I could have .

In the audio world, I see it all the time on other forums FOTM, bias, untrained ears and parroted information and also in the console world with it's fanbois and crazy "xbots! and "Sony Ponys"(Love those terms! Haha) Something like a PC is even more dangerous for your wallet because they are so much more in depth and many different parts so surely you can understand that.

I don't even know why this is a big deal.
Building a PC has nothing to do with headphones. You don't build a PC to suit headphones and you don't buy headphones to suit a PC.

No ifs or buts
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