Sennheiser HD650 - The classic beauty in a grey dress Appreciation thread!

That must be an earlier version as the box is grey instead of black on current versions? Is it solid?

Just looking on Amazon and their box is grey, is theirs an old version then? Might look at places other than Amazon is theirs is old stock.
The photos are irrelevant, they are the same photos they had on there when i bought mine from amazon in 2007, im sure.

Anyway, doesnt matter whether you get old or new ones. I mean, the original models with black driver units do sound different but the chances of getting a pair of them must be 1 in a million - they weren't readily available when i bought my silver driver pair. Warranty will of course be provided from the day you buy them so that's not an issue either.
Mine are the silver box and silver driver shield model, which I bought 18 months ago and must come from stock just before they retuned them again in 2014. The originals, that had the reputation for being veiled started in 2003 and ran until 2010, at which point Sennheiser retuned them to open up the sound stage and make them a bit more neutral. Apparently they did it again in 2014 and made them more neutral still.
Mine are the silver box and silver driver shield model, which I bought 18 months ago and must come from stock just before they retuned them again in 2014. The originals, that had the reputation for being veiled started in 2003 and ran until 2010, at which point Sennheiser retuned them to open up the sound stage and make them a bit more neutral. Apparently they did it again in 2014 and made them more neutral still.

Just like to point out that Sennheiser have never confirmed any of these changes to the sound. Most these are claims made by users under highly dubious test conditions. I doubt many of them actually tried both versions of the 650, side by side, with the same pads and headband.
Just because Sennheiser haven't confirmed the changes doesn't mean they didn't happen - they rarely say anything apart from announcing new models.
Managed to get a 2-week old pair for £175 so not too bad. Should have them tomorrow and looking forward to how they sound with my Modi 2 Uber and Vali.
Tonight my cat has claimed the box as hers :(

Had an hour with these last night and although they're not as treble-y as the K7xx and less bassy, I can't say I can notice too much difference.

I'm sure I haven't got Golden Ears etc but I was expecting to hear a bit more of a difference. They're only 2 weeks old and I don't know how much the seller used them so maybe they need burning in.
An hour isn't enough to listen to a good broad variation of your favourite music really :p
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