Sennheiser HD650 - The classic beauty in a grey dress Appreciation thread!

Has the 650's colour been changed or is it just picture editing ?

I ask as I looked at the Sennheiser store page and noticed the 650 on there is much darker than on the amazon page where I bought it from -




Age is honestly a very small part when it comes to sound but sadly it's blamed on everything.

My father is 70 in a few days and still has perfect hearing.

You just need to get use to the sound.

It depends on the context. You are right that old age doesn't automatically mean poor hearing, but when it comes to the hearing higher frequencies, age is very relevant. The older we get, the higher the frequencies we can hear gets less and less.

Rids57 hearing no higher than around 12k seems about right given his age. I'm 40 and I can hear around no more than somewhere between 13-14k, which roughly about right, but my hearing clearly isn't as good as the guy who is 46 in that group.
Has the 650's colour been changed or is it just picture editing ?

I ask as I looked at the Sennheiser store page and noticed the 650 on there is much darker than on the amazon page where I bought it from.

Likely just a difference in the pictures. Lighting will make a difference, and the top one of the those pictures looks better quality than the other.
They are definitely different revisions of the headset - look at the left and right plugs. Off the top of my head I think pre-2013 ones have a slightly more matt finish.

My 650's cable has completely different plugs again to either of those as well - more like the bottom one but chunkier where the cable meets the housing - the top one is like my 600s but they have red and black not black and black.
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Don't think you are getting what I'm trying to say - the older ones I've got have something that is closer to a smoothed over 90s plastic look for want of a better way to put it than the piano glossy look of the newer ones - its not like night and day different but at a casual glance the older ones have a more matt look.
Has the 650's colour been changed or is it just picture editing ?

I ask as I looked at the Sennheiser store page and noticed the 650 on there is much darker than on the amazon page where I bought it from -




The 2nd picture just looks over sharpened and toyed with. The older picture doesn't have the stock cable for some reason(All 650's have a fatter connector) Also the older picture has the black drivers which may have came with a a thinner cable at the time.
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The top image has the balanced cable in I think :S

EDIT: Both images are in the gallery on the official page for them.
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It depends on the context. You are right that old age doesn't automatically mean poor hearing, but when it comes to the hearing higher frequencies, age is very relevant. The older we get, the higher the frequencies we can hear gets less and less.

Rids57 hearing no higher than around 12k seems about right given his age. I'm 40 and I can hear around no more than somewhere between 13-14k, which roughly about right, but my hearing clearly isn't as good as the guy who is 46 in that group.

Looks like I'll be keeping my high frequencies for quite a long time! :D

That being said I'm anal about protecting them. Always wear SPL reducing plugs around loud stuff and never play my music loud.
Whereas I have been to way too many concerts (no plugs), rode motorcycles for many years and over the decades listened to many tens of thousands of hours of loud music through headphones. :D

Probably my most stupid hour was when coming home very drunk on a Friday night, plugged my headphones into the stereo, cranked the volume all the way up, started playing the Friday Rock Show which I had recorded and promptly passed out.
I had LOUD tinnitus for six months after that and have no doubts it did permanent damage but in time the tinnitus faded and I've never done anything so stupid since. :D
I am 22 and stop hearing things around 15.5Khz. I don't listen to my headphones loudly, nor frequent loud clubs.

Only reason I can think of is that I am really short sighted so maybe the two are linked.

Or that incident when I was dropped on my head as a child.
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