SETI@home News Vol. 106 (21/05 - 02/06, 2010)

On a team note, did you realise all top 5 producers in the last month got over 1 mil points each? a mil a month! wowza!

Ouch, I started Seti'ing again a year ago when I joined up here so all I've manage is 1M every 4 months :( The 2nd 8800 has helped my main rig kick out a big more every day but I'll need to save hard to buy any more GPU goodness and make further progress.

I guess the good news is I'm in the world's top 2700. When we were doing the original search I had 5 or 6 PCs running 24/7 and was pleased to have been in the top 5K, the world is obviously slacking more now - or folding ;)
i usually skip those steps too halz, when it throws a wobbly, you just have to kill the manager and restart it, and it usually reconnects no problems.

I did this also :)

Estimates say I will break into the top 30 (80+ days) about the time Reaver kicks my behind

Look forward to that and regards Reaver kicking your butt - thats a shame but its a win win situation for the team of course :D
1 behind edge (its starting to get annoying how he manages to stay in front of me for so long, really :p)

Its equally annoying how Im not going to be able to stop you stomping all over me either :mad::D
I've just oc'd my 470 a bit more to 700mhz in a futile effort to delay you for another few hours - the cell still needs a sweep, so that will give me time :D

Toxic, a sleeping bag just arrived at Fortress halz :p

Glad it arrived ok....was going to crack a joke about it coming in handy as it seems your sleeping on the job....but thought better of it :p:D

Its equally annoying how Im not going to be able to stop you stomping all over me either :mad::D
I've just oc'd my 470 a bit more to 700mhz in a futile effort to delay you for another few hours - the cell still needs a sweep, so that will give me time :D

Evening Edge, most of my battles have been as you know just to get the darn machines working , now that they are am starting to look at overclocking the gpu's first then the rig.
Mind me asking what you have your core shaders memory set at now?
Cheers :D
Evening Toxic
700 core and 1400 shaders, they are linked, so moving the shaders ups the core..
Temps are steady at 61C with 75% fan. Im sure that there is a lot more headroom to go, but will leave it 24hrs and see how this one goes first..

BTW - thanks for the envelope that popped through my door - you are a star S'ah...
Awww this is messed up somewhere msi aft shows em as core 1674 shader 810 memory 405. Evga precision shows as shader 1215 memory 1674 and core is unchangeable :confused::confused:
Well bt have gone down my end and my rig has had a few problems like switching itself off and reseting my bios :(

so had a few beers with my mate and am now in my happy place :D
Pew got Senture off my back at last :D

Mr Biffa sah, there's some files your going to need to download from seti messages board, as its down for now will email em....7.35mb so be warned lol is that ok?
Should be, think my mail server is set to reject 10MB and up, zip them if you can, any executables will not get through otherwise
yay well done M one less thing to worry about lol, my output dropped a tad today didn't realise cards had throttled back now theyr'e upto speed should be interesting to see what happens tommorrow eve :D

Mr Biffa sah....have emailed instr and files let me know you get them ok :D
Now spill the beans which card did ya get Mr Biffa ? I felt sure that if wee beastie was being dissmantled you wouldn't do it for anything less than something like evga hyd copp, am sorry but they are just drool factor 10.
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