Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Save points are a bit crap. I get stuck in some stupid bloody cravass and end up drowning. ( Despite spamming the X button ) and it starts me right back at the star of the level and at this point I cba replaying it - off goes the Xbone.

Also , she walks too damn slow whilst in towns. Definitely not enamered with this version so far. Hopefully things will change.
Never seen any yet, autosaves only, maybe playing on the hardest settings isn't helping.

It certainly isn't:


  • Obvious white paint on critical path
  • Longer saving grab timer
  • Base camps are lit

  • Discreet white paint on critical path
  • Normal saving grab timer
  • Base camps are unlit

  • No white paint on critical path
  • Reduced saving grab timer
  • No Survival Instincts during exploration
  • Base camps are unlit
Deadly Obsession

  • Same as Hard
  • Base camps are unlit and require resources to light
  • Game only saves at Base camps
Just started this last night on the Xbox One X hooked up to my LG OLED and OMG this game looks amazing!

Loved the tomb raider from 2015 looking forward to getting stuck into this!
About 30% in and visually it's stunning, gameplay is identical to the last game although I've had some sound stuttering issues (XB1X) as well as some bugs where Lara doesn't grab a ledge or rock face reliably as well as collectibles not clearing on the map after I picked them up. Nothing game-breaking but surprising when the engine clearly hasn't changed at all.

The challenge tombs are gorgeous although even with all hints turned off it's usually obvious what you have to do. Hopefully the later ones and DLC will up the difficulty a bit. I'd also like a bit more variety in terms of locations, the jungles look lovely but I'm holding out for a trip somewhere different at some point in the story.

Story isn't grabbing me as much as the last two games, Lara seems to flick between compassionate wonder-woman to behaving like a selfish cow and she's just not all that likeable. Perhaps that's the point since her obsession is increasingly a dark influence rather than a positive one but how they've done it doesn't really make for a very believable character.

So far if I had to rate it I'd say 8/10, I'd gone in expecting more but it's still a decent game so far.
Can’t help but feel this has to go down as somewhat of a letdown based on what I’ve read and the general lack of buzz on here.

I will get it but AC odyssey is out next week, my only concern with that will be bugs that need patching. Need to finish Spider man first.
Can’t help but feel this has to go down as somewhat of a letdown based on what I’ve read and the general lack of buzz on here.

To be fair there's a lack of buzz around most games in this sub-forum lately!

From my time with the new TR so far, it's more of the same, just a bit bigger and a bit better. If you enjoyed the previous ones you'll like this one, but there's nothing drastically new or improved. The level design, traversal, exploration is still great, the new tombs and crypts are very impressive and often more complicated, and the ability to remove some of the handholding features makes it more immersive.

That said, the storyline is still naff and the characters, despite being their best iterations of themselves so far, are still boring people. Lara comes across as genuinely socially awkward at times which would actually be quite endearing if it was done properly, but instead it just feels like bad writing. Facial and character animations are in the uncanny valley too, after Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy this feels like going back in time a bit. I can see why it was criticised in reviews because after three games, they've made almost no improvement at all.
To be fair there's a lack of buzz around most games in this sub-forum lately!

From my time with the new TR so far, it's more of the same, just a bit bigger and a bit better. If you enjoyed the previous ones you'll like this one, but there's nothing drastically new or improved. The level design, traversal, exploration is still great, the new tombs and crypts are very impressive and often more complicated, and the ability to remove some of the handholding features makes it more immersive.

That said, the storyline is still naff and the characters, despite being their best iterations of themselves so far, are still boring people. Lara comes across as genuinely socially awkward at times which would actually be quite endearing if it was done properly, but instead it just feels like bad writing. Facial and character animations are in the uncanny valley too, after Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy this feels like going back in time a bit. I can see why it was criticised in reviews because after three games, they've made almost no improvement at all.

Thanks for that. I’ll definitely get it at some point.
What a disappointment. The Tomb Raider series is one that I used to 100% trust to be great, not this. The key element, gameplay is just no where near as smooth as it was in the last 2 or 3. The climbing and jumping is a chore rather then a delight, lots of bugs too. I'm disappointed to say the least. I hope the drop in game quality over the past 2 year or so is not a concrete thing. Vampye got my attention, and to be fair blows this away in virtually every department. That just isn't right.
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