Shooting at live Twitch Madden tournament - four reported to be dead

That's a classic appeal to hypocrisy though...

"You cant say our dispossessing over 1 million people is bad as London has a homeless problem"
"You cant say I'm naughty for stealing millions from a charity fund when HSBC is based in London...drug money..."

The appeal to hypocrisy argument is a classic tool to censor criticism. One of the favourites used by tyrants.

whilst i'm not arguing against your point, most guns used in these kind of shootings aren't "assault rifles", they're semi-automatic only versions of said rifles or semi automatic pistols.

Whenever they interview someone with practical firearm training and experience they often say they would use a semi-automatic over a full-automatic. Better accuracy & better ammunition conservation.
You say rare but there’s a mass shooting in the US on average every 60 days, that’s not rare.

Also mass shooting is defined by the death of at least 4 people.

When you add up the people killed whether it’s 1, 2 or 3 etc at a time, the numbers are ridiculous.

It's relatively rare, do you know how big of a number 350 million is? Of course bad things are going to happen now and again with that many people living in a country. It's hardly the wild west. The odds of someone being murdered in the US is 1 in 30,000 per year. It's not ideal and I'm sure they'd like to improve it but people in the UK blow it out of proportion.
It isnt every 6 days according to :

Mass shootings in the US: there have been 1,624 in 1,870 days
No other developed nation comes close to the rate of US gun violence. Americans own an estimated 265m guns, more than one gun for every adult.

Data from the Gun Violence Archive reveals there is a mass shooting – defined as four or more people shot in one incident, not including the shooter – nine out of every 10 days on average

Alarming stats. They do have a mass shooting down as 4 peope SHOT as opposed to deaths but still, that isnt rare.
It's relatively rare, do you know how big of a number 350 million is? Of course bad things are going to happen now and again with that many people living in a country.

Err, you know they use per capita results so it's irrelevant how big the population is...:rolleyes:

And their murder rate of 5.35 per 100,000 people is approx 4.5 times ours at 1.20 per 100,000, and the highest in any western developed country, hell, even Afghanistan is only 6.35!

So yes, the US is a violent place relative to ourselves.
^^ What's almost as scary is the sheer number of gun accidents in the US, especially those involving children. Absolute madness
Err, you know they use per capita results so it's irrelevant how big the population is...:rolleyes:

And their murder rate of 5.35 per 100,000 people is approx 4.5 times ours at 1.20 per 100,000, and the highest in any western developed country, hell, even Afghanistan is only 6.35!

So yes, the US is a violent place relative to ourselves.

You're rolling your eyes at me as if I don't know that statistics are recorded per capita, when in the part of my post that you've cut off, I actually took the time to work out how many people die from non-accidental gun deaths using per capita stats.

Critical thinking is required here, do you think that Afghanistan accurately records it's crime?

When looking at the US, you have to take into account that a lot of the crime occurs in a small number of very poor areas that have big issues with gangs and drugs, such as Detroit and Philadelphia. Most places in America that aren't poverty stricken are great places to live and are safer than most parts of the UK.
Strange they say he has no eye contact in this video as about 6 months ago I remember the same being said in a movie where the killer in the movie was strange as he never made eye contact with anyone

32 second mark
Just ban all guns in US, why the **** do US citizens need handguns and assault rifles.

I'm going to give a serious answer: in the immediate sense, self-preservation and hunting. America is big and it can take the police a long time to get to you. And the wildlife can be dangerous. If you go hiking or even just walking, in many places you carry a pistol to shoot snakes or a long gun to shoot bears or wolves or cougar. In the wider sense, they have guns for their protection against the State. The preservation of personal liberty is something they take seriously and they remember both the reasons for the American Revolution and how it was won.

America's 'problem' with guns is a cultural one, not a problem with guns per se. There are countries with similar or greater gun ownership without America's problems.
Then why say

As per capita makes that irrelevant when making comparisons.

I'm not talking about stats, I'm talking about news stories. With a country as large as the USA things like this do happen. You'll notice that all the gang related gun crime in Detroit isn't reported on the BBC news, that's because it's the majority of the crime. People getting shot at a gaming event is rare, but in a country the size of America it does occasionally happen.
In these incidents you always hear "if everyone had a gun then this wouldn't happen" either in jest or serious. But imagine that were true? Someone shoots someone, everyone else whips out their gun. What follows? Surely a mass shooting of the wrong people as nobody is really sure where it started. And when the police turn up, how can they target the right guy if everyone is locked in a movie style gun battle?
I find those statistics hard to believe. I suspect basic mathematical errors - just look at the odds of an asteroid strike. There are ~350 million Americans and there aren't 1 million gun deaths a year in America.

I've never even heard of anyone dying due to an Asteroid
I find those statistics hard to believe. I suspect basic mathematical errors - just look at the odds of an asteroid strike. There are ~350 million Americans and there aren't 1 million gun deaths a year in America.

People don't die at the age of one typically....
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