Shotguns: Show us your clay / game / zombie bashers

I've owned many guns in Ireland. My favourites are pictured.
Benelli M3 Super 90. A Semi-Auto and Pump-Action shotgun in one gun. One Gun Licence and Two guns. Great fun and value for money.

Ruger 10/22 Mine looked similar to this picture

Remmy 870 and Beretta Ulrika

Same Remmy 870 with different stock and forend
I'd like to precursor this statement by saying I know nothing about shooting. Regarding that video. Aren't there rules that say you shouldn't walk down range of people shooting?

They seem to be quite relaxed about everything really, or very trusting!
Cut the breasts out the two brace of pheasants this morning. Used the wheelie bins as worktop so a few neighbours were curtain twitching see what I was doing :p

Well done @Macca! I always feed bad only taking the breasts, theres quite a lot of nice meat on the bird otherwise.

Here I just got back from a duck evening flight in kent. Lovely sport, and brought back 3 goose, 8 mallards, and a stupid pheasant that got lost behind me :-)

Did a left+right on ducks and another on goose crosser + mallards driven; quite chuffed, it was a bit mental for a while. Was shooting RC3's steel 34g in 3's and 1's, but quite frankly, I probably could have used 3's for everything.
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Whoops, seems I've bough another shotgun.

I was looking for a 'shooter' SxS a bit less precious than my £7k Maleham, I found this for £700 instead:

Holis I & Son Sidelock non-ejector, 30.5" damascus barrels, 2"3/4 chambers. 3/4 and 1/4 chokes, 30.5", 14.5" LOP with a pad, so it'll make a nice shooter. It's been re-tightened too, so I hope this'll be my walk-up gun from now on...

As this is a shotgun thread then you expect to see shotguns etc but I think showing your bag on a forum like this is pushing it - There are a lot of fairies out there who do not like sight of blood or dead birds - Posting pictures of the meat on the other hand is fine as the pansies can see that in a butcher shop

Perhaps you should post them on that plonker forum Pigeon watch - they post a lot of these sort of pictures as you would expect.

I am not a game shooter (I have tried it) and these do not bother me but it is more ammo for the anti gun pansies.

Just my thoughts :D
I'm not sure on the above, as someone who finds killing solely for sport wrong - I have no problem with this thread at all - MaccaPacca in particular has shown the birds go from the tip of his gun, to the tip of his fork - which in a bizarre way I feel is more environmentally responsible than picking up a pre-packaged battery farmed chicken from Tesco.

Also, there is some stunning engraving in this thread - and some beautiful guns! Shame I don't need another hobby! Although I would be very tempted to try it out with appropriate supervision, if possible.
Some people think meat is walking around fields in polystyrene trays shrink wrapped with bar codes already on thier back.

The game I eat has enjoyed a much longer life in better conditions than any £5 chicken, and I'm not buying that chicken so I'm actually saving one chicken from the hell that is mechanised food.

Sensibly put it in spoiler tags is a very adult decision
There were 2 rules we started with when we were thinking about shooting game:
1) Be good enough to ensure we make clean kills
2) Only kill what we can eat, and no more.

For #1, I asked our instructor just that question, he said that yes we were largely good enough, but it also always depends on the birds to 'take on' -- so that's a responsibility for the shooter here.

For #2, we don't do large driven shoot, we only do duck flights, walked up days (our preferred!) and we got invited to a couple of very small driven were we can perhaps hope to get <10 pheasants. That's cool.

And yes, I enjoy cooking and preparing, and I don't find pictures of the bag, or the meat to be in any way 'shocking'; as Macca says, these birds will be *largely* healthier than even any 'free range' you get in the shops. I'm quite amazed sometime at the 'athletic' shape some of them are in. I always feel privileged, personally.

But, perhaps we can make up a rule for the thread to keep the dead game in 'spoiler' tag, I can understand that some people might not be comfortable with it without the Mark&Spencer packaging :-)
Maccapacca and busError

You are talking to the converted - I am on your side. - I am talking about the namby pambies who do think meat comes in plastic trays.

It's just my thinking says pictures of dead birds - rabbits - are not for OCuK - to many young people or greenies who have no idea what real life is.

Pigeon watch is place to post them as both of you well know.

It's just my take on this forum unless you both want to convert the member on here. - good luck as most seem to be in a world of make believe. :)
There is too much emphasis on bag numbers, to the detriment of the sport and the birds. I understand why it is done but unless you are on the profitable side of the game...who cares? Some of my best days have been low numbers but stunning birds. I'll take a 90 yard pheasant over dozens of the usual dross any day. Hence why I am so picky with who and where I shoot...anybody who has the mentality of "I've paid for a 200 bird day so I am going to make sure we hit the bag, even if I shoot them on the rise etc etc" is not somebody I want to shoot with. Yet you see it all the time, its more the rule rather than the exception.
And whilst I agree that on the whole an estate pheasant is healthier than an intensively reared chicken, pheasants and partridges are still factory farmed, are still fed antibiotics and unlike any chicken in the UK, have zero protection in regards to their welfare standards. Game shooting is not a particularly wholesome sport, and neither is some of the meat.
Best sport out there is flightlining woodies. More challenging, completely wild and delicious. Our dinner tonight:

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Well, I had a driven day last friday, and it was *exactly* the style of shooting I want to do. 10 guns, perhaps party of 25 total. In a welsh valley with just local people, over 3 big farms.

And the best day I can remember, and that is without even if we hadn't shot anything. been trampling around at full speed sitting on hay bales at the back of an oversized quad bike, been in sun, gale, and snow, with fantastic scenery.

I was driving so I didn't indulge, but there was a LOT of drinking and laughing about with most of the crew have known each others for years; the birds are mostly wild or 'adopted' from nearby shoots; they are fed barley to keep them around for the season, but otherwise they are left alone.

I wouldn't say the birds were super mega top challenging (altho we had some stonkers!), but they /were/ in the sense you had to climb half a hill to get into position, so /any/ bird at that point puts a nice grin on the face! Also, if they picked the right wind, they were literally rocket-birds -- not terribly high but blimey they were FAST!

Result for the 6 drives was 68 birds, plus one woodcock. 10 for me, 5 for my wife. I feel they did treat us into 'nice spots' tho. Shot 43 carts on the day. I did miss a few pretty 'obvious' ones too.

But then again, after the drives, 2 or 3 more bottles of whisky disappeared in 'tea' and that's before we even hit the pub for a mega-dinner. Went back home at 1am and felt I had been away for a week :-)

Anyway, we're back with these guys in two weeks time too, can't wait!
Today I had a rough shooting day on the Morghew estate in Kent. *fantastic* day to be out, started at around -4C bit warmed up nicely, and there was not a cloud to be seen.

Thats was fun, we got an underkeeper + her dogs to shuffle stuff up in the woods etc, and we'd shoot what comes out, if appropriate, safe, and sporting. And trampled thru a few woods to try to get stuff out. Small bag, but lots of birds about so you can be picky on what to shoot.
Also, mallards are 'free' as well as any pests. We did the bag, some mallards, a woodcock, a rabbit. Just the 3 of us guns.

That was really excellent. Came back with 2 braces, a fat drake and 2 pigeons. And I let fly quite a few birds that weren't to my liking too. And I missed quite a few that were a bit too sporty for my skillset :-)

Technically as 'price per birds' goes, it's just a notch cheaper than a driven day on an estate like that, but I'd have that any day instead of the anonymous driven. The birds I tossed at the back of the car where /mine/ with a story to tell.

Picked up this 30" Lanber Sporter for £250. Single trigger with a barrel selector on the safety switch. Multi-chokes, Mine came with 5: Cyclinder, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 , and Full. Red optical sight at the tip. He through in a gun slip too. An absolute bargain!

My phone is not a great camera and my bed with overhead light is not an ideal location for this kind of photo. Especially compared to some of the stunning photos others have put up of their weapons!

Anyway, it looks/operates like it's barely been used. I know the bloke I bought it off barely used it anyway. Manufactured in 2004! Went for a shoot today and baring in mind I'm still a beginner I got 32/50 so it's a perfectly fine gun for me to get much better with.

Before I picked this up I very nearly spent £1300 on a Browning 525. Having used a 525 at the club, there's very little difference really other than branding. The wood quality is probably better on the Browning but there's not a huge amount in it. By going second hand I've saved around a grand, or 2000 clays and cartridges! And I can always get a more expensive gun in the future if the mood takes me.
Nice gun! The keeper at my welsh shoot uses one of them, with great success! His son owns a gun shop that sells krieghoff and plenty of other niceties -- he must be knowing something ;-)

Season is done today for me; nice welsh romp in the hills last friday -- brought back 4 braces, and a 'mixed bag day' in norfolk today. Hare, pheasants, partridges and one 80 yard pigeon for me; fridge is full again!

Now I'm going to get that 'new' 1880 side by side all sorted, serviced, re-jointed, and having the barrels re-browned. Next year that will be my 'game gun'.
Bag from last friday, mine and my wife's together. Really lovely birds!

And for Macca, here's my 'station' for breasting them. Best setup I could come with so far, nice, quick and clean. I did pluck 4 of them, breasted the rest.
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