*** Show us your bikes! ***

Lovely! But don't get the arrow map, it's just for emissions and saps power. Read about it on triumph rat before doing it.
@Clov!s, where're your mirrors? :p

@Ben-Irvine93, Nice :)

SV is a good bike to learn on, around twisty roads an unrestricted SV can easily keep up with 600's. Tomorrow, I'll look into booking a trackday, I've no excuses apart from sorting out my brakes. I'll change the lines to braided, give the pistons a clean, new brake pads and fluid.

When I got the bike already had braided lines, but the lever kept going to the bar.

I changed the pads to ebc HH which helped with the bite but still bad.

In the end, put new seals in the calipers, cleaned them up and did a MC rebuild and now the lever is very strong. Can easily 1 finger brake. I did post up a video a couple of weeks ago to show the lever.

Who ever says the brakes are crap on the sv, something wrong with the bike.
Yep HEL lines front and back, although braided lines make next to no difference as long as your stock lines aren't shot to **** they just look nice.
The bike is 13 yo, so I'll change them. I'll clean the pistons and maybe I'll get away with rebuilding the calipers. That'll be another 42 quid, I already spent over 100 on all the bits to sort out my front, the rear brake is fine. I did couple slides with it, just to test it out. :p

When I got the bike already had braided lines, but the lever kept going to the bar.

I changed the pads to ebc HH which helped with the bite but still bad.

In the end, put new seals in the calipers, cleaned them up and did a MC rebuild and now the lever is very strong. Can easily 1 finger brake. I did post up a video a couple of weeks ago to show the lever.

Who ever says the brakes are crap on the sv, something wrong with the bike.

That was all probably because they needed bleeding :p.
Bleeding them was the first thing I did, along with several zip ties over night :p

Every bike I go to, I always check the brake lever to see how firm it is, have no idea why lol
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