Show us your kitty cats


Had to be done.

LOL, very good. :D
You should have seen his original thread back when he got his cats, probably organising underground cat fights as we speak :D

Yes, that is the source of my worryment tbh. I don't think I've ever seen Sunama make a comment about his cats without the words strong/althetic/dominant/hard/could kick the **** out of your cat/fast/quick/reaction-times/muscular/heavy/ mentioned somewhere in the post. Give it a rest ffs, its a cat, not a weapon.
Okay, now that's a cat that doesn't just look malevolent, it looks humanly malevolent. :eek:

If he ever sets his plans in motion, we're all ******.

LOL - he's pretty cool, nothing malevolent about him at all, just quite inquisitive and quirky. My sister has trained him to use the toilet as well so he doesn't need a kitty litter.



that could be right then. i keep forgetting the breed they are.

he doesnt always look so evil :D was just terrified of humans at the time that photo got took. always is wanting attention now! does yours have absolutley huge top front teeth ?

We have a british shorthair black cat who has today just had a ridiculously long canine tooth removed. It was causing him to eat on one side of his mouth and tartar and stuff was building up quite badly on the other side. It was also a little loose and could have become infected. Here is the down side......£87 at least.......!!

Costs less for me to have a tooth out!
wouldnt they stop you cat from climbing etc when outside?

agree - that is why the sphynx cat who have them on are indoor cats only.

I suppose it is about compromise and freedom for your cats etc. However with them on you never get scratched and no more scratched furniture.

Smokie - our outdoor cat does have them on his front claws, as he does like to scratch a lot at furniture even though we have scratch poles scented with catnip etc, and we are aware that by doing that might compromise him a bit outside. In particular being able to defend himself and "just being a cat." However he seems ok with them having had them on for around 8 years or so. More often or not he decides to be an indoor cat only going out for a short while each day.

The softpaws come off with the growth of their claws or you can remove them safely.
... surely it's just better to get them a scratch post and train them not to use your furniture?

This isnt easy to do.

I have a scratching posts on my cat tree, yet my Egyptian Mau hardly ever scratches on them. Instead, he scratches on the carpet, using a lot of force, to such an extent where the carpet pulls up and away from the grippers. Its like he is trying to dig his way through the carpet and the result of this that the carpet first becomes a bit ragged and a few months later, a hole appears, thus destroying the carpet.

Everytime he digs the carpet, I try and stop him, but upon seeing me heading towards him, he takes one almighty pull at the carpet, before running away.

Conversely, my Bengal happily uses the scratching post and doesnt destroy carpets or furniture.
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