Show us your kitty cats

18 Oct 2002
NW London

Is she pregnant, fat or just carrying a lot of fur?

My Bengal got quite fat during last Winter. And I mean, really fat and he was eating a lot. He still loves food, but right now, he is extremely slim. Meanwhile, my Egyptian Mau has gone from slim in the Winter, to tubby in the Summer.
18 Oct 2002
NW London
would definetly be interesting to see how he got on with other dominant cats. our existing moggys are scaredy cats as it is and a lot younger than him. they basically just let him take over without even trying to put up a fight.

My Bengal is definitely a fraidy cat, but due to his large size, he is able to do some real damage, simply due to his heavy frame. Sometimes, he goes a little crazy and will jump and run around the house, using my computer (tower) base unit, as a platform to launch himself from. The unit weighs about 20kg. When he does this, the entire unit moves from side-to-side, violently. This annoys me as hard disks, while switched on, are vulnerable to jolts and impacts.

I had my sister's kittens around. My Egyptian Mau was very calm around them, even though he is the most dominant. He didnt try and fight them. He just watched them very closely and on the 3rd day, ate all their food,which I was laying out for them in a separate room.

I would certainly not want the Egyptian Mau to get out, as I believe there is a high likelihood of him seriously injuring other cats in the neighbourhood. The problem is that because his breed is the most athletic in the world, no other cat would be able to outrun him, if he decided to give chase. This, allied to his dominant nature is a recipe for disaster, should another cat ever came into my back garden.

My Bengal doesnt suffer from these problems and wouldn't harm another cat.

its a real shame that hes so wary of humans too as when he dares come over to people hes a really nice cat. we guess they where abused because theyre both terrified of teenagers and his smaller sister is always on edge around adults too

My 2 cats are also weary of humans, (as kittens they were not weary) though after a few hours, they do calm down. Neither have been abused or beaten at any stage. With me, both are totally free and relaxed, happy to sleep on my bed, with me. Some cats just need time to adjust to new people/animals, who have arrived in their territory. Socialising animals is very important.

took me ages to get used to his face! seems to be like marmite amongst people who see him. some say hes stunning and some including me think hes ugly as sin :p you do get used to it though

I think his face does look a little devlish. What I like to see is how animals respond to each other and obviously studying dominant animals is the most interesting, where the submissive ones just shy away.
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18 Oct 2002
NW London
The softpaws work really really well.

Thanks for the info.

My Bengal has ruined an entire area of wall paper in the hallway. He likes to stretch up against the wall, so I know how you feel.

I might give the softpaws a go. I can't help feel that my Egyptian Mau would attempt to bite the softpaws off, until they come off.
29 Dec 2003
Is she pregnant, fat or just carrying a lot of fur?

My Bengal got quite fat during last Winter. And I mean, really fat and he was eating a lot. He still loves food, but right now, he is extremely slim. Meanwhile, my Egyptian Mau has gone from slim in the Winter, to tubby in the Summer.

its mainly fur, she has really long fur on her torso and on her raccoonesque tail.
13 Jan 2003
I think his face does look a little devlish.

I thought that was an Egyptian Mau?

I grew up with a Siamese seal point, so I'm probably more biased towards liking that facial shape.

This is almost identical to Kizzie:
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18 Oct 2002
NW London
A kitten that was playing with me in a shisha cafe in Egypt. Beautiful cats out there shame they are so mistreated and abused :mad:


I think you will find that around the world, animals are treated as animals and in the general order of things, animals are much lower than humans.

The Western world, on the other hand, have a habit of treating animals with more respect than humans. As an example, if a tramp was begging for some food, most English people will do their best to avoid the tramp (cross the road, etc). However, if they saw an animal roaming the street, they will make fuss of it and treat it with more respect than the tramp.

I guess this behaviour, is defined by culture.
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