Show us your kitty cats

Luna decided to pee in the bath this morning :/ Not sure if it's indicative of a health issue or whether she just wanted her litter changing, which I've now done.

one of ours has a "dirty protest" if the litter trays arent 100% clean.

or he's just being lazy as the other tray up/down stairs is normally empty.

Yep, Dave sometimes takes a crap in the shower, vet says its cos it's the cleanest place in the house :D
Yeah we have just been trying to clean it with salt + water every few hours until we can get him to the vet, might not be able to get him there till tomorrow morning.

Expect that to happen as well. Not worried about the money, just the journey + vet for him (especially since he has a minor heart murmur). Both our cats get so stressed/worried when we put them in the cage and car :(

I would also advise a trip to vets to get it checked.

We have just had Oscar to the vets today the side of his face had swollen up, and he had been cleaning and scratching at it.

At first we thought it might of been an absess in his mouth etc but he was eating fine etc, vet said its possible its from a bite/scratch from another cat (it prob would have been ok but it was in an area he was able to scratch at etc and make it even worse) the vet give him 2 injections 1 antibiotics, and 1 to keep his temp normal, she had to pierce the wound to get pus out.

He should be fine we just need to keep the area clean and moist with warm salty water and the antibiotics injection will give his body a bit of a boost to help it heal.
Yup we went to the vet today

Just back from the vet and she didn't seem too worried about it tbh but give an antibiotic injection anyway so he should be fine. Cost £44.

He was shaking away when on the table :(

Glad to hear your cat is doing well too :)

Been a while since I posted a photo of TC and Sprite!





The pair of them are spoilt rotten, they just got a new laser toy pen, catnip treats, Sprite got a new collar AND they have 2 of these arriving next week.


Very cute kitty you got there! What age is he?
Looking at this thread again, I want some kitties again!! :(

Wait, people go for a dump and leave the door open? GRIM!

I do, but then I live on my own :D

If there are people here the obviously the door gets shut, but why would I if I'm here alone? :confused:

Both my wife and me leave the door open and even chat to each other! unless it's a particularly 'Bad' one then the door gets shut (nearly had a Floridian slip with that last word) and we leave each other alone!! :D
Because we have moved into a house with crap old doors and handles our bathroom door will push open as the catch doesn't engage properly. Our female has figured this out and will scratch and clamber at the door until it pops open. Actually cannot go for a **** in peace.
Both my wife and me leave the door open and even chat to each other! unless it's a particularly 'Bad' one then the door gets shut (nearly had a Floridian slip with that last word) and we leave each other alone!! :D

I can't decide if that means the spark is totally gone from your relationship, or that you happen to have an inextinguishable one! :p
Wait, people go for a dump and leave the door open? GRIM!

Yea why not -- our cat Holly would pull carpet up outside door if I didn't leave it open --- anyway she likes me to rub her back behind her tail and she licks hell out of the door.

Must be something to do with mating - but she loves it.


ps - No I will not take a picture.
my 11yo lad cat Jester collapsed yesterday :/
he was asleep on the chair in the lounge and as i made some noise in the kitchen he came in to scrounge some food, i put some in his bowl and left him eating, i left the kitchen for ~20 seconds and when i came back in he was slumped over the food bowls,
he was conscious but limp, i layed him on the floor and stroked him for 4-5 minutes, he remained limp all that time, i gave him some encouragement to get up and he did, then he went straight back to the food bowl and finished his dinner :rolleyes:
he's been fine since but il keep a close eye on him

Update: :(
about 1hr after letting him out this morning i found Jester collapsed in the neighbours garden , his back legs were lifeless, i took him straight to the Vet where they diagnosed a bloodclot at the base of his spine / top of legs as his rear legs were still cold and lifeless,
they gave me a choice, either start medication and hospitalise him where his survival rate would be around 10% and would cost £450 a night
or have him put down :(
the Vet advised to have him put down, but i couldnt bring myself to make that decision, so i told her to start him off on the meds and see how he goes today,
ive got to go back at 6pm, im gutted, my poor Jester :(
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