Show us your kitty cats

We have this lovely old black and white cat that comes to see us. We don't know his name but he's old and doesn't have many teeth so he drools a lot so he has the nickname "drooly cat". He comes around for a bit of attention and then goes off again, probably to the next soft touch. Recently he has sussed out how to use my two cats cat flap and is extremely stealthy about it so he can be in the house and we woudn't know about it. He started eating our cats food plus my youngest cat doesn't like him so I have been putting him back out straight away. He then sits on the back steps looking at me sadly as if to say, "why you no love me no more"? He still get attention but only outside. Fast forward to this afternoon and the wife comes home from work and I hear her talking to someone. I go into the kitchen only to find drooly cat in her arms purring his head off (and drooling profusely on her sleeve) and he gives me a look as if to say, na na I am in and you can't do anything about it. :D:D:D

It was as if he was going:-

There's the old saying that dogs have owners, cats have staff...

Our Archie (must find a picture or two) has always been a social lad. This week I'm on my own as my other half is away and he follows me round the house like a sheep. It's like he's making a point that he's been home alone during the day more than normal and now I'm back from work... it's Archie time!

Whilst we're cooking tea in the kitchen, he has this habit of being a little horror, racing round the house and attacking random things. Once we've sat down in the lounge and there is a knee for him to jump on for some fuss and a snooze, he calms down :rolleyes:
Just waiting on a call back from the Vet with Xray results :/
woke up to my 10yo/F tabby cat throwing up blood, quite a lot as well, probably 3-4 table spoons worth, Vet said they think they can feel somthing in her stomach,
she eats mice quite often so possably might have a bone stuck in her :/

EDIT: 11:45 spoke to the vet, she's thrown up more blood since she's been there, xray results show possable rodent bones in her lower intestings and close to being poo'd out so its possable the bones scratched her stomach whilst passing through, they are going to now do a blood test (apparently this will tell them if she's bleeding anywhere?) and put her on fluids (a drip i suppose) and keep her in for the day for observation.
told to phone back at 3pm if they havnt already contacted me

EDIT: 3:15pm went into the vets for a chat, she'd thrown up 4 times since being in there.. all blood :/, she showed me the xrays which showed what looked like a bone in her poop shoot, that should pass soon so no need for surgery (touch wood!)
she has lost a lot of blood though, the vet said she was at '40' and if she dropped to '16' she'd need a blood transfusion, so over the next few hours they will check if the level goes up or down, up = she comes home, same level or lower and she'l be off to a cat hospital for the night, the xray also showed a shaded area of her stomach so tomorrow she'l have an ultrasound to see what that is
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thanks, il be phoning the vet in about 20mins to see hows she's doing and whether she's comming home or off to hospital for the night, fingers crossed...

Edit: phoned the vet, looks like she can come home, going to pop round there in a min, also just found some sick in the lounge with the 'innerds' of something in it,
so it looks like she had caught and eaten something yesterday.. hope she learns from this!

she's back home now, wont eat, wont drink, wont go toilet.. she just went straight upstairs and is on my flat mates bed and is rather spaced out, got to take her back to the vets at 9am to go back on a drip, more meds and an ultrasound exam on her stomach :/
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hope she picks up soon :) incidentally this is the same reason why you should not give cats chicken on the bone as it splinters and causes the same issues :(

"o hai, are you trying to get ready for work? i want pick up cuddles now."


literally climbed onto my arm to get picked up and then scrabbled up my chest (putting a hole in my t-shirt).
just waiting for my flat mate to get home so we can go round to the vets,
the results from the ultrasound are not what we were expecting at all,
looks like the bones passing though her wernt the problem, without going into too much detail atm, the Vet has advised we have her put to sleep :(
:( Sorry to hear that cainer, that's never a phone conversation any pet owner wants.
Good luck going to the vets and just remember you gave her a great life.
thanks, it was only 3 months ago that we lost her 11yo brother Jester so this realy sucks hard, ive told the vet though that were not just going to turn up and have her put down.. want to see if any options are available, but she is in a real bad way so im not holding my breath, got to do whats best for her :( :(

She's got her brother Jester looking after her now, Rip Heidi :(

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thanks, it was only 3 months ago that we lost her 11yo brother Jester so this realy sucks hard, ive told the vet though that were not just going to turn up and have her put down.. want to see if any options are available, but she is in a real bad way so im not holding my breath, got to do whats best for her :( :(

She's got her brother Jester looking after her now, Rip Heidi :(

aww man that sucks :(
thanks, it was only 3 months ago that we lost her 11yo brother Jester so this realy sucks hard, ive told the vet though that were not just going to turn up and have her put down.. want to see if any options are available, but she is in a real bad way so im not holding my breath, got to do whats best for her :( :(

She's got her brother Jester looking after her now, Rip Heidi :(

Aww Cainer im so sorry to hear that! You made the right decision for her and im sure she is thanking you.
thanks, it was only 3 months ago that we lost her 11yo brother Jester so this realy sucks hard, ive told the vet though that were not just going to turn up and have her put down.. want to see if any options are available, but she is in a real bad way so im not holding my breath, got to do whats best for her :( :(

She's got her brother Jester looking after her now, Rip Heidi :(

Sorry to hear this :( cant be easy, thoughts to you and your household
thanks guys, the vet showed me the ultrasound pictures and it showed up a lot of problems, she'd been hiding her pain for some while.
Sorry for your loss Cainer.
I too lost a cat a few years ago and it hurt, so I know what you are going through.
It does get better.
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