Show us your kitty cats

No I am 2-3 mins away by car, zero chance they would have met before. I'm trying to get the wife to agree for the cat to stay but if it isn't to be then I will rehome her or get Cats Protection Belfast to help rehome her. Just trying to sort out a vet and get the usual stuff done.

Feels good to get the cat in my place so I know it's safe and warm and well fed. Karma has given me the nice warm fuzzies :D

Good to see you're getting a few bob to help with the cat.

Any update on the little fella?

Vet booked for this Friday morning so I've had to take time off work to go get her to the vet...needs must.

She's getting neutered, vaccines, de-flea and de-wormed and if he can do it he'll microchip her and I can pass on the new owners names when I get their details.
New camera so Millie is model for the time being.

Well that was awkward. Remember I said that the cat I rescued lived out the back of my work. The "owner" saw me and stopped me, wanting her cat back. I asked her why she had left it for 4 days with no food to fend for itself if she was keeping it? She claimed she "forgot" to bring it to the new place she moved to. In the end I bit my lip and talked her round to rescinding the demand to return the cat. Kat the cat is not going back to her but is going to a new home on Sunday, all being well. Still need to confirm with new owners but it's looking good. Prospective new owners are out of the city (Belfast) so Kat will have countryside to roam in once she's microchipped :)

phew...took some talking to sort that out. Kinda feel bad for the lady that she isn't keeping her cat but in my heart I know I did the right thing and saved the wee bugger from having to live in a plastic dog kennel outside at this womans new place.
Ugh, kitty will not stop crying recently. There's nothing wrong with her; she's quiet when we play. She's had two 30 min play sessions with me since I got home tonight (I've been home about 3 hours, so she's not doing too badly there.)

After the end of each play session, the crying begins again, and doesn't stop. It's actually making me slightly angry now. I try to get her to run and jump and get rid of her energy, but she is kind of "lazy" when we play.

Then, oddly, as soon as I *stop* playing, she starts to madly run up and down the stairs, around the house, whilst crying really loud.

She will just then park herself in the next room from the room I'm in, and meow/cry until I get up and go to her.

Driving me bonkers.
She will just then park herself in the next room from the room I'm in, and meow/cry until I get up and go to her.

Driving me bonkers.

Hi FoxEye, your not the only one with this type of issue. One of my cats does the same thing, I've have been told that it is learnt behaviour, as when they meow you give them attention so they have learnt to do that. How old is your cat now? Mine is almost 6 month old and was hand reared. He meows quite a lot and I have been told that he should grow out of it in time and to ignore him when he does it. Easier said than done at times, as I don't need to set my alarm anymore as he starts meowing at 07:00 every day on the dot. :mad: I just hope the vet was right about growing-out of it.
Easier said than done at times, as I don't need to set my alarm anymore as he starts meowing at 07:00 every day on the dot. :mad: I just hope the vet was right about growing-out of it.

Haha, yes. Although the alarm clock bit I don't mind at all. She wakes me up with a little bite (softly), and a lot of purring, which is dawwwwwwwww cute. Much nicer than listening to Chris Evans :p
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