Who has the best tips for introducing a new cat into an environment where one cat has ahd the run of the house for about 5 years?
We have a 10 year old female who has had the run of the house for about 5yrs.
When we got her she was the most timid cat in the world, but now she's a real lapcat and loves attention.
We're attempting to introduce our new cat.
He's 7 months old and extremely boisterous.
He's a medium haired cat and so actually looks physically bigger than our female.
We kept them apart for about three days - allowing them to smell each other, to see each other through patio doors etc.
On the first meeting our female went straight for him.
He did the submissing thing, but she still tore strips out of him.
He then ran, she chased and I had to peel him off our rug where I found him shivering.
He got over it and he's back to himself.
At the moment our female hisses when she sees him (through patio doors or in crack in internal door).
Not quite sure how to proceed.
Appreciate young fella is going to get a bit of a slapping as female cat puts him in his place.
However it seems to be more than just a slapping - last time she had some of his fur in her claws!
Any ideas on how to proceed?