Show us your kitty cats

Great, so I've been slowly killing my cat by feeding him James Wellbeloved :mad:. ....

Not necessarily. Like I said, plenty of cats live long lives on crappy foods. Lots of cats who eat the very best food can have various issues. It's just playing the odds really - giving your cat what it's supposed to eat will mean it's more likely to live a long and healthy life. How many times have you heard "well, my granny smoked and drank her whole life and lived to 102!"? Of course that happens, but you wouldn't recommend it :)
Anyone recommend a particular cat insurance? Got 2 new kittens arriving a week today!

Our old cat is at Sainsbury's and our new one is on Pet Plan.
Make sure that whichever insurance you choose that you get "Cover for Life".
Meaning that if your cat gets a long term illness as long as you continue to pay your premium you will continue to get the medication.
A lot of insurance policies do not do this and stop paying our after a year.
We picked up our three yesterday. I opened the travel box thing and left them to explore on their own thinking that might help them acclimatise better rather than forcing them out. The ginger one (spock) true to his name was first out and has inspected just about everything downstairs, The white tabby (Yoda) is a bit more cautious but still had a good nose around. The black/grey one (Ophelia) stayed at thew back of the travel box until i went into the garden, then she ran under the sofa and wouldnt come out.

I let her stay there a few hours and then got her out and within 5 minutes she was back under again. They've been here 24 hours now and are all out and about more and we don't have a single sign of anyone missing the litter tray!
We've had some fun today. Kittens + mum are in my dads room with food water litter tray etc so she shouldnt have to leave the kittens much.

My bro came home today and thought he heard crying in kitchen, his room and the bathroom (above the kitchen). Turns out there were 2 kittens under the floorboards in my bro's room!.

We have the side panel of the bath atm and someone forgot to shut the door. Seems mum took 2 kittens down the whole in the floor around the pipe under the bath. Had floorboards up and all sorts lol!
Who has the best tips for introducing a new cat into an environment where one cat has ahd the run of the house for about 5 years?

We have a 10 year old female who has had the run of the house for about 5yrs.
When we got her she was the most timid cat in the world, but now she's a real lapcat and loves attention.

We're attempting to introduce our new cat.
He's 7 months old and extremely boisterous.
He's a medium haired cat and so actually looks physically bigger than our female.

We kept them apart for about three days - allowing them to smell each other, to see each other through patio doors etc.
On the first meeting our female went straight for him.
He did the submissing thing, but she still tore strips out of him.
He then ran, she chased and I had to peel him off our rug where I found him shivering.
He got over it and he's back to himself.

At the moment our female hisses when she sees him (through patio doors or in crack in internal door).

Not quite sure how to proceed.
Appreciate young fella is going to get a bit of a slapping as female cat puts him in his place.
However it seems to be more than just a slapping - last time she had some of his fur in her claws!

Any ideas on how to proceed?
They will settle down over time. Same happened to me when we introduced our ginger kitten to my older cat. Took a couple of weeks for her to get used to the new cat. Then agian she was used to other cats in the house as the gigner cat was a replacment for our other cat who thought he could fly:(
Aye Stoofa, just give them time mate. I had the same issue with a female cat of 2-3 years and a kitten of 8 weeks old once.

She really hated the little guy for about 3 days. We kept him isolated when we weren't around and were always in the house to supervise any attacks/unpleasantness. Eventually they will get used to each other.
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