Damn i cant wait for mine to get older How old are yours?
Delivery looked like £4.50 no matter what you ordered so i got some Worlds Best cat litter
About 10 weeks, they are from 2 litters which were born about 4 days apart. Since they grew up together and all weaned from either mother we were happy taking some from each.Damn i cant wait for mine to get older How old are yours?
DONOT buy worlds best cat litter.
It is the best cat litter that money can buy, however, you can buy an alternative, which is almost identical (made from corn) at a fraction of the cost.
I want a cat But my girlfriend is set on having a bazillion huskies, so its a nono
Say hello to Stan(ley) everyone!
He's 9 weeks old and already going crazy insane.
Ball on head cat
Say hello to Stan(ley) everyone!
British/English blue?
Aww cute kitteh!
DONOT buy worlds best cat litter.
It is the best cat litter that money can buy, however, you can buy an alternative, which is almost identical (made from corn) at a fraction of the cost.[/url]
What you can try and do is gradually switch your cat over to WBCL. My own cats took to it immediately, with no problems. The same goes for my sister's cats which have never used WBCL before.
Try making the change gradually. If you can succeed then you can simply buy Chick Crumb Feed in bulk and it should work out cheaper than your Tesco brand cat litter.
Out of interest are you feeding your cat Applaws dry cat food?
I was going to go the "dog route". I wanted a grey hound and a husky. My problem is that they would be left home alone, while I was at work.
Huskies need loads of attention and easily get bored. When huskies get bored, serious problems occur - howling and destruction of household items.
Other ginger one is doing great. First to have his eyes open, weighs about 1/3 more than the other kittens lol. Hes very keen to explore - had to move to a bigger box because of that