Show us your kitty cats

Oliver is the ginger.

Poppy had the cat tree to herself until he came along.

They now get on quite well but he's obsessed with her, just wants to be near her all the time and she gates the world generally.
Any suggestions for getting a cat to stop clawing the base of our bed? He's got numerous scratching posts which he uses too so it's not lack of options. Tried the citronella spray but seems to make little difference, and I never catch him doing it otherwise he'd get a kick up the arse.
Any suggestions for getting a cat to stop clawing the base of our bed? He's got numerous scratching posts which he uses too so it's not lack of options. Tried the citronella spray but seems to make little difference, and I never catch him doing it otherwise he'd get a kick up the arse.

The spray will only work when you catch him doing it, and spray him whilst he's objectively focused on clawing. It's the fresh misty stench that puts them off.

You might then need to go through training and rewarding good scratching areas.
Well one of our boys is now without a tail following a break and dislocation close to the base of the tail. Was touch and go for a while as he wasn't using the toilet. Had to wait for 3 days to see if he was going to have to be put to sleep, but thankfully the little blighter did a wee and a poo on his own. Yey.

Two weeks of cone shame later, and he is his old self again, well almost. We have renamed him to Stumpy :D

But seriously, I didn't realise how serious tail breaks can be for a cat as in all my years of having cats, this is the first time it has happened. No idea how it happened, I am just glad he is OK. :)
These two, when they're awake they're constantly playing and wrestling. They're both completely inseparable both when awake and asleep.

Try living with them. They're absolutely bonkers and get away with murder but they give you the cute look (you know, the one with their faces) and all is forgiven.
Right now they're at to point to know where the cats are just look for one and the other is within about a meter. Guaranteed.
It's funny, our two were all cuddles when they were kittens. Now they rarely share the same bed/sofa/room :D

Bruce was very cuddly when he was a kitten, he neatly asphyxiated me by sleeping across my neck quite often :D then he went through a phase of not being cuddly and now autumn has arrived he's back on the bed lying on/near me all night :)

Never sits on me during the day, whereas Lola wants to sit on my lap often during the day, but likes her own space in the night.
Oh ours are absolutely demanding of human cuddles (I reckon they secretly think they're humans too), they're just not so warm to one another anymore like when they were kittens. When they do curl up it's only occasional.
Our cats were very close but still spent plenty of time with us.
But they really liked being together.

Unfortunately "gogo" the male was killed by a car.
Our remaining cat "didi" spends much more time with us now she is on her own, he would sit on me with didi on the floor.
Hehe thank you. They are somewhat adorable. In the mornings they meow for cuddles after they've had breakfast. They're now growing so much it's difficult to hold both at the same time whilst standing up. Managed to drop Calvin yesterday.

Parent of the year :o
Got a text to say the kittens pulled a table cloth off the table in the kitchen and in turn dragged down the fake plant that was on it which broke when it hit the floor. Subsequently the kittens have also torn this apart.

Win win for me, I didn't like the plant anyway :D
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