Show us your kitty cats

He looks like an ex-boxer as that poor nose of his gets the occasional knock :D Generally he knows the layout of the house really well you just have to remember not to leave things out or move tables without showing him as he will walk straight into them.

He is by far those most loving cat we have. When you come in from work and bend down to pet him he jumps up into your arms and purrs/rubs his face into you as if he has been abandoned for a month. He then cling onto you and won't let go lol

On a side note he is from Egypt (Cairo) so the first year* of his life was about as bad as you can get. Sadly animal cruelty is horrendous in Egypt, even before the country fell to bits (there are loving pet owners but it is a much rarer thing then here), so he was lucky to be taken off the streets. His eyes were already badly infected and had to be removed :(

A charity brought him over to the UK as they had a home for him (not sure how I feel about this). The woman changed her mind (and said he kept attacking her cats) so my wife fostered while they looked for another home. We kept him. Shocker.

*He is nearly one and a half now, the photo is just over a month ago.
I had a three legged cat for a number of years yet you would not believe it to see him. Nothing was out of bounds as far as he was concerned in fact a mate who lost his leg in a traffic accident was embarrassed to visit as he felt the cat was putting him to shame with his total disregard for his missing leg/paw.
Beautiful cats and stories.

For valentine's day I bought SWMBO we flowers which were delivered. Naturally we kept the box for the monsters.

They've barely gone near it. So Ana said today about throwing the box out.

3 guesses what they're now all over like a rash...It's like they can understand human :o
I had a three legged cat for a number of years yet you would not believe it to see him. Nothing was out of bounds as far as he was concerned in fact a mate who lost his leg in a traffic accident was embarrassed to visit as he felt the cat was putting him to shame with his total disregard for his missing leg/paw.

We had a three legged cat called Tri-pod. He was a mad cat too and didn't let 3 legs get in his way at all.
My cat has just realised that if she sits on my laptop it warms up as she blocks the vents at the back. Does she care that this might reduce the lifespan of my £2k laptop? Not even a little, its just a cat heater apparently.
Dusty will sit on the coffee table and stare at me. She will then walk across my lap and sit next to my on the arm of the chair until I stroke her. She then gets down, back on the table again and it starts again. She does this until I get the laser pen out so she can chase it around the flat.

It is like her crack, she is completely addicted to it lol

I let Millie out at 04.30 this morning and left the main door to the small block of flats open so she could come back in, my front door has a cat flap. She never stays out long and was back in 15 minutes later. At 05.30 I went to get a cup of coffee and on my way back to bed spotted a face peering through the cat flap.
It was the face of a cat I have seen many times as it it seems it is always wandering around my area and I often see it when I am out walking Millie in the morning.
It looks in great condition so i do not think it is a stray but it certainly likes the out doors but this maybe because it is not particularly welcome at home.
I grabbed a bit of meat from my fridge and went to see if I could find the caller.
She was at the foot of the stairs and I threw a bit of meat at the ground near it which it ate tentatively then it turned around and went out followed by me. I put the rest of the meat on the ground and retreated and it ate the meat.
As I say this cat looks in great condition so is getting fed but perhaps I will leave out a bit of food and see if I can befriend it, see if it has a collar ID.

I am getting to be a right softie in my old age but I would hate to think that this cat is homeless or even semi homeless.
Just back from a poo walk with my cat, got me to thinking, how many of you take your cat on a walk? I don't use a lead he just runs, walks, prowls and pounces alongside me for a good mile or two. Always a good talking point for any ramblers I meet along the way! "there goes that crazy guy walking his cat again..."

I let Millie out at 04.30 this morning and left the main door to the small block of flats open so she could come back in, my front door has a cat flap. She never stays out long and was back in 15 minutes later. At 05.30 I went to get a cup of coffee and on my way back to bed spotted a face peering through the cat flap.
It was the face of a cat I have seen many times as it it seems it is always wandering around my area and I often see it when I am out walking Millie in the morning.
It looks in great condition so i do not think it is a stray but it certainly likes the out doors but this maybe because it is not particularly welcome at home.
I grabbed a bit of meat from my fridge and went to see if I could find the caller.
She was at the foot of the stairs and I threw a bit of meat at the ground near it which it ate tentatively then it turned around and went out followed by me. I put the rest of the meat on the ground and retreated and it ate the meat.
As I say this cat looks in great condition so is getting fed but perhaps I will leave out a bit of food and see if I can befriend it, see if it has a collar ID.

I am getting to be a right softie in my old age but I would hate to think that this cat is homeless or even semi homeless.

That's how I ended up with my cat, I gave him a bit of meat and now here I am four years later with a best mate :D
Pheew - No sign of Ronnie this morning - just have to whistle him and within minutes he is at door -- it's now 10.15 and saw him jump over the fence and trotted in and went straight to his food bowl -- OK so he is two hours late but you can't help but worry - He does go out at night.
We try keeping him in during winter by putting him out at 9.00 and he is back by ten but now warmer weather is here he likes to stay out. He is not littler trained but have had him in 18 hrs and he waited (locked in garage by accident)

We found he eats next door - over the road and play's with their cats and recently three doors down and he sleeps in their new posh oak framed summerhouse.

If he is tired now he will sleep on bed till about 5.00

Just found this thread and it makes me want to get a cat a lot. Any recommendations for the most 'dog like'? I've always had a soft spot for a cat that gives affection.
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