Show us your kitty cats


And she is lovely! :>

She is a lovely cat - and incredibly affectionate to the point where, she complains if you don't pick her up and fuss her every 5 minutes. She's incredibly placid - likes to play but never scratches and never bites (when she play-fights even then, she never really goes for you).

She seriously is the perfect cat - however....

My wife is pregnant with our first child. Phoebe likes to sit on your lap and sometimes on your head when you are sleeping. This has obviously been raised as a bit of a concern with the wife, especially with a sleeping baby likely to be around.

I know you can get nets and stuff for cots and the like - i'm actually more interested in hearing about how a new human coming along can affect cats or other pets - anybody got any experiences?

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You might also bare in mind the story of the little boy who was attacked by the neighbours dog and the family cat came to his rescue and chased the dog away... Tara has slept with him ever since he was baby the parents were very reluctant at first but decided to let it go... the cat even walks to school with him and waits for him at the gates when he comes out. Talk about rewarding loyalty
You might find this helpful:

You might also bare in mind the story of the little boy who was attacked by the neighbours dog and the family cat came to his rescue and chased the dog away... Tara has slept with him ever since he was baby the parents were very reluctant at first but decided to let it go... the cat even walks to school with him and waits for him at the gates when he comes out. Talk about rewarding loyalty

Thanks for this - really good reading.
Got up for a pee (3am) and noted that Millie was playing with something on the bed, that something was a dead mouse. Still I should be grateful that it was not a live one which she has been known to bring home. The joy of cats eh?
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My cat didn't like my brothers youngest for a while and would hide from him. Once he started walking however that was a different matter. Perhaps that upped the ante and it was kill or be killed but last time he was here she was hunting him.

He did not like that.

Shes a complete wuss as well. Hides from everyone but me. Won't let people go near her. Guess this was her chance to bring me a rather large gift.
Calvin & Hobbes went in for their balls off today. They're 6 months old already! :eek:

Anyway, all went great. Both don't have any issues and apart from being slightly drowsy from their anasthetic they're both fine! :)

Got lots of pics I've been meaning to add, will get on that over the weekend :)

Also, both were weighed today. Calvin is 4.2kg :eek: he isn't overweight either....Biiiiggg kitty!

Gonna be a big lad when he is an adult :)
Some recent ones of C&H

I took some photos with the proper camera the other day. Not had a chance to go through them yet.







All went well with their balls coming off the other day as well :)
Got a text this morning from my mum saying my baby of 19 years had passed in her sleep. Naturally gutted about it but don't feel like grieving too much as she'd had a very good innings. Thanked her for letting me have her as a kid; looking back on it now it was one of those first stages of trust as I was just hitting my teens and everything.


Goodbye, my sweet princess.
We got a kitten last year and went missing for a few days iirc in December. Recently she has got massive. So we are now getting prepared to have kittens. Never done this before so doing some research on it. Once we have kittens we are getting her done so she wont have any more. Got a few people interested in having some so all being well we can find nice homes for the rest. Once we are having them I will get some pictures up. If I remember to upload some I will post a pic of the cat as she is now. she is fat lol
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