Last year, the neighbour managed to set fire to his house, which spread to ours. The damage wasn't too bad but we had to move out for the repairs to go ahead.
We moved into temporary accomadtion which didn't allow pets, so rather then put our three cats into a cattery for months, an aunt of mine offered to take care of them. Unfortunately on their first night in the house, they all escaped.
We started searching immediatley and put up fliers. On the second day, we found Smokey crying near the house. A week later, someone in the neighbourhood found Trinny, the oldest of the three. She was badly dehydrated and spent two nights at the vets, but emerged no worse for wear.
The days turned into weeks, then months and we still hadn't found the last cat, Bandit. I'd pretty much gave up on him, either dead or hopefully taken in by someone.
The problem with Bandit was that he has no teeth, they had to be removed by the vets because of a gum problem.
Out of the blue last week, we got a call from someone nearby saying that they had been feeding a cat that looked a lot like Bandit for the last five weeks. On Thursday night we went round his house with someone with a microchip scanner to confirm his identity, and sure enough, it was our Bandit!
He had been missing since June last year and now, he's finally back in our house, acting like nothing happened.