Show us your kitty cats

Was worried Tuesday so booked him in for Wednesday morning - The little bugger was going for sympathy vote and was OK Wednesday so cancelled it - Finally got his pills down - He has half pill a day so broke half in half - crushed them to powder - mixed one half with single cream and other in butter and he wopped it down - we did breath a sigh of relief and must say he is looking better by the day.

Thanks for asking :)
Ronnies on the mend-- seems he prefers warm food to antibiotics. Now got fleas again - picked two off already Grrrrr!

My Mom's stupid cat, Gariguette.


Brought a 1/2 dead mouse in the house, that run off. Caught it after a week, crapping all over, stealing the cat's food. Real life Tom & Jerry right here!


You're useless... USELESS! :p But I can't stay mad at you. Even if you did this on purpose... :mad:
Some of my pair of fluffy monsters.

The ginger one is called Gem and is dumb as a post, a rescue moggie from RSPCA

The other one is Rommy and she is a mainecoon, in charge of the house.

Though both of them are scared of our two soft as hell house rabbits lol







Just had a call from Vet - we can pick Ronnie up at 5.00 - took him in last night as we couldn't guarantee he wouldn't eat after nine - Vet rang earlier and have taken samples from his lungs to be sent off - he thinks it might be asthma but will have to wait - also his liver showed a spike - He has been X rayed and blood taken for analysis and Vet has just removed a tooth and cleaned up the rest. - hopefully after he gets back on his feet he will feel better again - He was coughing and looked a bit lathargic - off his food one day then looked as though nothing was wrong.

Taking 600 quid just in case - we do have insurance through Animal Friends but they seem a bit dopey but hope they might cover half of bill - if not he is our cat so what's money among friends.

Last year, the neighbour managed to set fire to his house, which spread to ours. The damage wasn't too bad but we had to move out for the repairs to go ahead.
We moved into temporary accomadtion which didn't allow pets, so rather then put our three cats into a cattery for months, an aunt of mine offered to take care of them. Unfortunately on their first night in the house, they all escaped.

We started searching immediatley and put up fliers. On the second day, we found Smokey crying near the house. A week later, someone in the neighbourhood found Trinny, the oldest of the three. She was badly dehydrated and spent two nights at the vets, but emerged no worse for wear.

The days turned into weeks, then months and we still hadn't found the last cat, Bandit. I'd pretty much gave up on him, either dead or hopefully taken in by someone.
The problem with Bandit was that he has no teeth, they had to be removed by the vets because of a gum problem.

Out of the blue last week, we got a call from someone nearby saying that they had been feeding a cat that looked a lot like Bandit for the last five weeks. On Thursday night we went round his house with someone with a microchip scanner to confirm his identity, and sure enough, it was our Bandit!

He had been missing since June last year and now, he's finally back in our house, acting like nothing happened.

My girls. On an occasion where they seem to have decided they want to put up with each other. They're quite weird as one minute the big one (who is a norwegian forest cat) will randomly hiss at the little one, even though the little one is just being kind and affectionate. Then literally minutes later they can be sat cuddled up asleep together or cleaning each other. Strange animals.

I built these for my Millie.

As for beds I have given up on buying such a thing as cupboards, wardrobes both top and bottom are her beds of choice.
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As for beds I have given up on buying such a thing

same. favourite sleeping spots for our 2 (other than the bed at night):
upturned beanbag tray on top of the fridge
an old laptop bag with a blanket on it
a photography reflector in its bag on top of a bookcase
Tabby & Mr Ghandi have decided that today is a lazy day and have spent most of the day sleeping and sitting on one of their towers:

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