Well, this is new. Decided to get an early night, for a change.
After an hour of lying restlessly, thinking about work problems, I hear meowing. Softly at first then louder. Becoming insistent.
Get up, ask her what's wrong? She leads me downstairs; I follow. Straight to the "the spot", where she stops and starts purring. The spot, of course, being the place I keep the treats, which she knows I restocked today after being dry for a day or two.
I... I am both impressed and horrified. I hope this doesn't become a thing.
Well, this is new. Decided to get an early night, for a change.
After an hour of lying restlessly, thinking about work problems, I hear meowing. Softly at first then louder. Becoming insistent.
Get up, ask her what's wrong? She leads me downstairs; I follow. Straight to the "the spot", where she stops and starts purring. The spot, of course, being the place I keep the treats, which she knows I restocked today after being dry for a day or two.
I... I am both impressed and horrified. I hope this doesn't become a thing.
I can see what people say about Ragdolls, having never owned one myself before. She follows me absolutely everywhere - the number of times I have nearly stepped on her because she is sat behind me. When I'm on the computer she jumps on my lap and falls asleep on me. When I pick her up she just goes limp on my arm and dangles.
The other, who isn't a ragdoll, has become a bit more independent and isn't as much of a fan of being picked up anymore - although is still obsessed with my computer screen.
They are both being neutered in a few weeks
Ragdolls are magic! My mongrel one is so lovely.
That said, when we need to resupply in a few years (our eldest is getting on a bit) we will be getting a Singapura.
Lolhehe thanks and that is awesome, looks the double of tigger
when i was building my old rig dougal ran in and tried to jump in it, after i had the motheboard in place lol
Usually they want to lie on the keyboard
Causing all sorts of mayhem
How he got in through the psu hole
Is beyond me he's not a small cat
Yeah feeding a cat pillshehe slinky wee ones cats are
dougals curled up on my duvet but he aint touching the fresh top side, he purrs when i try to hand feed him a bit but not biting and he is getting sneakier at failing to get rid of his tablets
2 man job feeding him his tabs.