Show us your kitty cats

No worries :)

I do wish they would allow cat/animal places to open for rehoming though I would love another cat

I agree.

I still have not picked up a British Shorthair, but it's one of the first things I will be looking at just as soon as
things open up over here.
My British Blue is more like a goofy puppy than an adult cat.

Remember that fit outdoor cat we had - He is now a middle age slob - stays in all night and sleeps all day except for the regular meals.

Here he is spreading his middle age spread and in the usual position.


I must start playing with the camera settings -talk about potatoes.
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We've got that fountain for Fernley. He was not sure at first (he is a wimp!) but after pawing it a few times he gave it a go and is quite happy with it!

It's a struggle to get a decent picture of Fernley because he is so dark and the rest of the house is light coloured!

I could never get pictures of Holly and she was blackish with brown but that is a nice picture and he looks so cuddly - Why people don't like black cats I don't know.
I just saw this on Reddit and thought it was "perfect", so had to show it here (clip and poem):

"i am the kit, so very smol

i don't know how to hunt at all

when suddenly from bed i spy

a crazy little fuzzy guy!

is taking me my every ounce

to try n learn to do the pounce!

i want to touch, but then i don't...

i think i will! but then i won't...

am head for safety of my bed,

but then i fall outside instead :{

am turned around the other way

i think like this

i gonna stay . . ."

By SchnoodleDoodleDo
We got a new addition to our family :D

Kills me how cute he is!!!!

Cute now. Wait until it's hunting time! Mine have managed to kill off 5 mice in a single day today. Never had anything like this number before it's madness. They appear to be hunting just on the railway line and catching everything that moves.

Wouldn't mind but the hunter - Tabby Cat keeps bringing them in alive and dropping them in my office.
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