Show us your kitty cats

My new family member, she's absolutely tiny at about 9 weeks old :). Already have an 8yr old girl and so far she's doing very well with the new kitten, she's hissed a bit but no swiping in the few hours they've been around each other so that's a good sign so far.


@Nitefly She has Applaws dry as it happens :) She seems not to be fussy with her dried food, as I've given her various types and she's eaten all of them.

Wet food, on the other hand... only Felix will be considered :p

All Applaws wet food is complementary/supplementary, so couldn't replace the Felix. I might grab some anyway, just to see if she'll eat it :p

e: Also Thor is very handsome (this could be taken out of context, aye? :p)
@Nitefly She has Applaws dry as it happens :) She seems not to be fussy with her dried food, as I've given her various types and she's eaten all of them.

Wet food, on the other hand... only Felix will be considered :p

All Applaws wet food is complementary/supplementary, so couldn't replace the Felix. I might grab some anyway, just to see if she'll eat it :p
Sorting the cat stuff is the wife’s domain but I gather that the applaws wet food stuff is mid to high priced - but deffo give it a whirl because our two love it. I feel happy giving it to them because it looks like what it is supposed to be rather than just a ‘slop’. Just try and get a mixed selection because Thor is a right tuna boy - turns his nose up at the chicken ones!

As for dry food, they have the Royal Canin Maine **** adult biscuits - they love these.

The Royal Canin wet food really honks.... too smelly for us to buy it regularly.
@krooton - cheers for the info re: diet balance, I didn’t know but I’ll review with wife to make sure what they get is suitable. Thor is probably alright, Loki does hoon the wet food though!
@krooton the Applaws website seems to suggest you should give them 60% wet food?

A complete diet such as Applaws complete dry pet food contains all the vitamins and minerals your pet needs for a healthy diet. A complementary pet food is designed to be fed in addition to a complete pet food. Our complementary recipes contain real meat or fish which provides your pet with natural levels of taurine to help keep your pet healthy when fed alongside a complete food.

For cats we recommend giving a complementary wet meal in the morning and in the evening. In addition, give your cat a bowl of Applaws complete cat food during the day and in the evening. When feeding a complementary diet and a complete food as part of daily feeding regime you have a healthy balanced diet. We recommend a ratio of 60% wet complementary food to 40% dry complete food for balanced nutrition. The wet food gives your cat the meat taste they love and gives them essential hydration with natural levels of taurine and the complete kibble helps to keep your cats teeth in good condition and has all the added vitamins and minerals to keep your cat healthy. - second question.
Nice to see some lovely new cats
Ronnie is getting fat -boring and picky with his food. He just licks the jelly off most stuff - He will sometimes down a load of royal canin pellets but only when he is in the mood - The funny sod turns his nose up at it so we put it on the floor and he eats it.
Our neighbours are now putting food out for the hedgehogs so guess who is sitting round waiting at 9.00 - yep Ronnie and Milo from over the road.

Odd thing this year is he hasn't bought any rabbit's in for me - perhaps they are on lockdown.
@krooton the Applaws website seems to suggest you should give them 60% wet food? - second question.

The 20% 'rule' is an "err on the side of caution" thing to encompass all types of non-complete food that you might give your cat over a week, I would assume if you are only feeding them a diet of Applaws (complete and complementary), then Applaws knows exactly what level of incompleteness their wet food has and what the ratio to their dry needs to be to balance that.

Again, less of a concern for cats that go outdoors as they also have the ability to supplement their diets with bugs/birds/mice/etc, but I tend to prefer to play it safe with indoor only cats, and for many years I only had flat cats.
My two. Peanut(female super floof) is a bit of a gatekeeper on their new cat tree lol but she doesnt like the top seat normally, Sushi loves it

*Image size woes*

Normally they take it in turns chilling beside me when I am on the PC :)

My new family member, she's absolutely tiny at about 9 weeks old :). Already have an 8yr old girl and so far she's doing very well with the new kitten, she's hissed a bit but no swiping in the few hours they've been around each other so that's a good sign so far.



so adorable, reminds me of one of my old cats :)
i was going about my external drive earlier and found some vids and cat pics :)

dougal who past back in february i think, actually found it comforting to see a video of him :)

his brother ted and some of my m8's cat who used to live here :)

no one knows how my m8's cat did this with out tipping the bin over lol

ted and aerith.

more ted and aeirth :p

she was out side before and let out a screech and both ted and dougal ran in her direction to see what was wrong, both my big males were protective of her :)

even had a seagull swooping down on her :S

dougal been cute

and my cousins 22 year old cat merlin, he looks so adorable :)


edit: the cats have been on large tins of these for a few years now, not sure on the flavour, but it suits fraggles who is filled with allergies and the vet reccomended it i think :)
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Been back to Vets to pick Ronnie up. For the last week he has been sneezing and coughing - he has been doing this while eating or sleeping on and off - he has also sat there with his mouth open making little coughing sounds as though he was clearing his throat.
\so took him in for a check up but they couldn't see anything so we left him there so they could sedate him today and have a deeper look - nothing stuck which was good news so they gave him a injection of some sort but it also contained steroid as a pain killer.
Asked if he used the litter tray and they said nothing there so let him out of his box when got back and he just wondered off and not seen him since. Probably gone to one of his cafes and a nice fresh flower border to use as a toilet.:rolleyes:
Ronnie is my friend again after I left him at the vets overnight .
Turns out he is fit and OK.
He does like my jeans

Just a quick update on Garfield for those who were following his story. He's still soldiering on, in fact he's probably the best he has been since he has been with us. He has his problems, the biggest of which is his kidneys failing but at the moment you wouldn't think so as he is just like any normal healthy cat. He was suffering with not being able to poo properly. His poo's were hard and huge (not far off human size) and he was really struggling to pass them as well as making him sick. The vet gave me some Lactulose to try which makes the poo suck up water while in the body to soften it and since he has been on that his motions are back to normal and he hasn't been sick at all. At the moment he is outside sunbathing as it's quite warm with no wind right now. He loves being outside when it's warm. Jade and Abby on the other hand are curled up indoors!! Jade has quite taken to Garfield and even sleeps close to him now. Abby on the other hand still doesn't like him and he is very wary of her. The poor chap is a big softy and hasn't got a aggressive bone in him and I have never seen him have a go or hiss at another cat. He's such a adorable chap and is really affectionate. In fact he's everything his bitch of a ex-owner said he wasn't. She said he doesn't like cuddles and you can't pick him up yet with us he wants cuddles all of the time. She said he won't stay in at night and goes wondering for days yet he never wonders further than our neighbours garden and is quite happy staying in. She also said that he won't let anyone comb/brush him which is why his coat was a disaster when we took him on yet with me he loves being combed/brushed and purrs while I do it. His coat has come up lovely and soft now and many have said that he looks like a completely different cat since we have had him.

I can't help but think back to the last time he was very poorly (March if I remember right) and the vet said I should think about putting him to sleep. That would have been a huge mistake as he has been problem free (apart from his poo and that's sorted now) ever since and he's leading a normal life again now. He is very playful, almost kitten like sometimes. We bought them a couple of new catnip filled toys last month and while they all love catnip toys Garfield beats the crap out of one of them (a scabby bird type thing) while purring his head off. He loves feathers as well but the only problem with that is that if he has a toy with feathers on it then they aren't on it for much longer. He is weird in some ways though. He's the first cat I have known that shows no interest in empty boxes. He isn't curious at all. If we open a cupboard with either Jade or Abby around they are in there like a shot. Garfield just ignores it. He doesn't play or go on any of the cat trees that we have and doesn't use any of the scratch posts. Before we took him on and used to let him in when it was raining or snowing he used to drink from the cat fountain we have in the kitchen. Now he won't go near it and will only drink from his large water bowl. Overall though he's just a loving cuddle cat. He's happiest when he's curled up on a lap or beside me with my arm around him which tends to be most of my spare time these days. His loud purring still sends me to sleep sometimes. One thing he does that is extra cute is that he comes onto the bed and snuggles his head right into my neck and goes to sleep. He is just so affectionate and is always cuddling up to us. Another two months and he will have been with us for a year so far which after what the poor chap went through in January, February and March is a miracle. If we didn't take him on last November there is no way I think he would still be alive now. He has cost me a lot in vets bills but I don't care about the money and have no regrets. I just love him, Jade and Abby to bits. here is a piccy I took last week of Garfield (nearest) and Abby chilling out relatively close to each other on our bed.

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