Nice update
You may remember I have a gained cat as well, who has had her fair share of issues,
New one this year where we think she caught a pigeon by the foot, punctured one of the saliva glands, expensive few days that.
She was just fully recovered when she got bitten by another cat, causing swelling in the same place virtually!
Due to her incident a few years ago (we dont know for sure but think someone pulled her tail) she had similar issues with poos. She wouldn't go properly and then when she eventually did she would cause issues with the anus as that was sore she would keep trying to go. So she would seesaw between not going and the poo getting backup and hard/dry and food going through her in minutes.
Anyway, we had that Lactulose as well, it sort of helped but not always. She now has a drug called gabapentin, its actually a human one but it quite popular in animals, its not licenced for cats in the UK but is I believe elsewhere
Ours has got damage in the tail area and it seems the gabapentin supresses this very effectively and since shes been on that, no poo issues.
We spent almost a year going backwards and forwards to the vets for pain killers and that lactulose but the gabapentin within 48 hours transformed it for her. The vets had been talking of ops to try to fix issues with the anus and all sorts.
Just thought its worth mentioning, the hard poo could be an indication of something physical that could be aided in a similar way.