Show us your kitty cats

So the house has felt extremely empty without Buster always loafing around and making a nuisance of himself, and while still missing him deeply and that will never change, decided to start looking at what is out there for some company.

First off, have to say the local "big" adoption centers are appauling. RSPCA, Cats Protection, Blue Cross etc. I was open to adopting a middle age, elderly or cat with special requirements. They stuggle to be rehomed so actively looked to see if there were any cats in this bracket that I would give a forever home to. However I wasnt even able to see a single cat from these centers without being required to fill out a form, put a request through a website and then if they thought it was a match for the cats they would give me an appointment to see that cat.

Sorry but what? Thats not how it works with cats, it has to be a mutal 2 way thing, and how they take to you off the cuff without being "pre prepared" by being moved into a viewing room or similar is very important.

Found a couple of local independant rehoming services, the first was absolutely amazing, could walk around and interact with the cats and see how they behaved, their temperaments, and get information on how the cats were bought in, under what circumstances etc. However they only had one quite elderly cat whos owner died and he did not take to me at all.

Then on Sunday morning, these kittens popped up. While it never previously crossed my mind, thought it was worth considering. Arranged to go around and after an hour, agreed to these 2 brothers. The tabby and white one who when I sat down ran over and curled up in my lap and the grey/black one who spent the entire time playing and running around.

Names yet to be decided! So any suggestions welcome. Currently thinking "Doc" for the black and white one and "Leo" for the tabby and white. But any other suggestions welcomed, they are being picked up next weekend :)




Aww, can I have the void in the back of the first piccie? :p
Only one of mine is calm enough to be photogenic at the moment...

They're growing so quickly and it's all still a learning curve but I think I'm getting there, still very much kittens with the 4AM zoomies waking me up as they've taken to the bedroom and following us around the house, and you couldn't make it up but as I'm typing this they have literally just wondered into my office and meowed at me...

First off, have to say the local "big" adoption centers are appauling. RSPCA, Cats Protection, Blue Cross etc. I was open to adopting a middle age, elderly or cat with special requirements. They stuggle to be rehomed so actively looked to see if there were any cats in this bracket that I would give a forever home to. However I wasnt even able to see a single cat from these centers without being required to fill out a form, put a request through a website and then if they thought it was a match for the cats they would give me an appointment to see that cat.

They have gone too far. I know they are concerned about the cat's welfare, but they seem to care little about the cats that they don't take in because they are slow to get the ones they have taken in re-homed. And I found consistent problems with their "matchmaking" because they didn't listen to what I was saying. Also, they insisted on visiting my home, which I am not sure what that was supposed to prove. In the end, I just gave up, and now I go through local people who know of needy cats and kittens.

Then on Sunday morning, these kittens popped up. While it never previously crossed my mind, thought it was worth considering. Arranged to go around and after an hour, agreed to these 2 brothers. The tabby and white one who when I sat down ran over and curled up in my lap and the grey/black one who spent the entire time playing and running around.

Names yet to be decided! So any suggestions welcome. Currently thinking "Doc" for the black and white one and "Leo" for the tabby and white. But any other suggestions welcomed, they are being picked up next weekend :)





The last one is a lot like Jeremy, a very gentle one-year-old.

He is a neighbour's cat who seems to have adopted me rather than the other way round.

I choose their names based entirely on their personality, so I couldn't begin to suggest names for yours!
@kindai I think it's great you really wanted a slightly older cat, to make you feel better if that's even possible, there is also an overwhelming amount of kittens about. I went through the same process and where I got my two from were struggling because they didn't want to turn kittens away but they were coming in quicker than they could get them out.

You've still done a great thing and I'm sure they'll keep you very busy and just remember you gave Buster the best life you could and now you do it again with your lovely kittens! :)
Awww so cute. I miss my two so much. The Mrs isn't ready for new cats but I'm desperate. She has a few times said the house is too quiet so am hopeful she'll change her mind soon.

I think the adoption centres brought in those new rules during covid and haven't changed back. You used to just be able to visit and see all the cats.

Do you not think that walking through the door with 2 kittens would have her heart melt and her thoughts of not being ready would evaporate in a second?
Awww so cute. I miss my two so much. The Mrs isn't ready for new cats but I'm desperate. She has a few times said the house is too quiet so am hopeful she'll change her mind soon.

I think the adoption centres brought in those new rules during covid and haven't changed back. You used to just be able to visit and see all the cats.
I know how you feel :(

It's been 9 months since we lost our George. I'd love another one, but the Mrs says no :(
I couldn't imagine not having a cat in the house :(

We have a lodger atm. Neighbours have gone to Albania for a month and Milo has moved in with us. He's only about 18 months old, he is super confident, thinks he owns the place. My cat isn't overly keen as he pretty much hates all other cats but Oscar who is only 2 loves Milo and they love to rough and tumble and now get to sleep together as well. I'm not sure he's going to move back next door when they get home.



Kitties came home today. Let them have an explore and took them all of 30 seconds to sniff the food out.

Explored for around 2 hours and could see they were getting tired so put them up on the sofa together and they snuggled together and went to sleep.




They are absolutely adorable!

Glad they're settling in well!
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