Cat related advice required.
We have 3 boys - Ray, Terry and Micky (Bonus points if you get the reference) they are from the same litter.
They are 3 years old and Micky is now the biggest, but is a big softy. Ray is the middle size and is the hunter. The other two will catch small animals but not really know what to do. Ray will have eaten half of it before you've shouted "Get out!" and the bigger the better.
We have a mild concern for Terry. He is very thin compared to the other two. He's healthy looking, nice coat, plenty of energy. He's ever so slightly bullied by Ray but will instigate the fight from time to time. Terry and Micky don't fight. Micky and Ray will fight. Ray is a bit of a......
They get treated every month which includes worming I think (Frontline). I'm not it's worms that keeps Terry thin, he may just be thin.
I suppose we could ask the vet but £150 later for them to say he's fine, just thin, I thought I'd ask the OCUK for advice