Show us your kitty cats

Owner of five cats- there's one older antagonistic neighbourhood cat from a few doors down. I'm always friendly with it because a) I love cats and b) they wouldn't understand if I intervene but I recently saw one of ours (a meathead in both stance and attitude) walking across our patio to the garden with the antagonist hiding in wait behind a low wall. As soon as ours rounded the corner the neighbour's cat pounced and unleashed a torrent of head-baps, fur-flying everywhere. Then the antagonist legged it, our cat froze in position and looked mildly bemused for a moment then sauntered on like absolutely nothing had happened. I had to stifle a laugh, poor sod! :D

The missus and I are currently in Rhodes, so many street kitties of all shapes and sizes. The locals seem to appreciate and look out for them, they're mostly in decent nick, and the Greeks have a neutering policy (a small clip in the ear shows who's been done) but it must be an uphill struggle. This evening at dinner there were two gorgeous tiny calico girls, both with halftone-print style spots I've never seen before. The wife carries decent food around so fed them, then one of the local kids told us one is the mother of the other, and the offspring is pregnant. I want to find the local charity that deals with them and make a donation.

If I can get the images up to my hosting I'll post a few.
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