Show us your kitty cats

We found out yesterday that our new neighbour, who moves in at the end of December, has two young cats. Hopefully they stay out of Angel's garden. Angel is a house cat but loves the garden. She's too old to really defend it now too.

On the plus side, her arthritis injections are working well and she goes to the top of the house now, which she hasn't done for a long time.

@Hades Hopefully they may turn into her new best friends
Can never tell what will happen
When we had to foster tiny
Kodi would have been about 14 then
We really didn't think it would work but tinys owner
Was in a desperate situation
But surprisingly it worked out great
And 4 years later tinys temporary foster is obviously now
Though sadly he no longer has kodi as his mentor
@Hades I didn't know you can get arthritis injections, what are they, a painkiller with a steroid or something? How long do they last? My little Abby is 15 and has arthritis so maybe they would be good for her. She has her annual on Wednesday so I will have a chat with the vet about them.
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@Hades I didn't know you can get arthritis injections, what are they, a painkiller with a steroid or something? How long do they last? My little Abby is 15 and has arthritis so maybe they would be good for her. She has her annual on Wednesday so I will have a chat with the vet about them.

It might be solensia

Yes it's solensia. I think it's a painkiller. Angel now has an injection monthly.

She had slowed down a lot recently and no longer went up to the top of the house (our house is over three floors). She used to often go up there to either sleep at night or during the day when my kids were in their bedrooms. When I was at the vet for her annual checkup a few months ago he suggested we try it. I thought it would be a bit of a gimmick. But I did try it. Initially we weren't sure if it had helped but she went upstairs a couple of times that month. Towards the end of the month she looked like she was in a bit of pain so I went back and got another injection. She's now having them monthly and is really showing a lot of improvement. She goes upstairs several times a day now and even jumps on my sons bed which she hasn't done for a couple of years. She's still an old cat of course (19). It won't suddenly make her young again. But if it makes her last few years a little easier then I'm happy to continue with it.
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It's not always easy to tell with cats
If they're in pain or not
Or if a certain medication is actually helping
The fact your house is on 3 floors
Means you're easily able to spot some changes in her mobility
Which is great
Sometimes the owners are affected by placebo effect
Even though its not them receiving the medication
But in your case you are able to tell
She's going to to parts of the house she wasnt
We found out yesterday that our new neighbour, who moves in at the end of December, has two young cats. Hopefully they stay out of Angel's garden. Angel is a house cat but loves the garden. She's too old to really defend it now too.

On the plus side, her arthritis injections are working well and she goes to the top of the house now, which she hasn't done for a long time.


Aww, she's lovely!

She will be fine. Mostly male cats (and most pets are male) respect the females. They get in to far less trouble than the males.
Yeah this was a fully grown male bengal tiger
The sheer size and latent power
Of it was truly amazing to behold in person
As you said one look at it and you instantly know
If it wanted to it could dispose of you in an instant
Not sure if I was courageous or stupid :cry:
Saw an episode of that programme about Longleat and they put a horizontal spring balance that are used for some kind of industrial purpose in the bengal tiger enclosure secured one end in the ground and another with a pad that the tigers could grab hold of and pull, it took 3 keepers in a tug-of-war to even move the balance half way down, the juvenile tiger managed to pull it all the way to the end and the big male and the father of the adolescent not only pulled it right to the end he pulled the stake clean out of the ground and ran off with it :eek:
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Saw an episode of that programme about Longleat and they put a horizontal spring balance that are used for some kind of industrial purpose in the bengal tiger enclosure secured one end in the ground and another with a pad that the tigers could grab hold of and pull, it took 3 keepers in a tug-of-war to even move the balance half way down, the juvenile tiger managed to pull it all the way to the end and the big male and the father of the adolescent not only pulled it right to the end he pulled the stake clean out of the ground and ran off with it :eek:
Never watched the program
But that doesn't really surprise me after
Seeing them up close and personal
For some reason until that day I had always envisioned
A male lion was bigger than a tiger
I guess the mane gives the impression
But actually it isn't bigger really
Don't get me wrong though neither is something
You would want ##### off with you
They're very very very big kitty cats lol

Even the female tiger i took my partner to feed
Was impressive but the male
Was in another league
Well, it's been over 2 years since the last of our 2 sadly passed away. House has never been the same since.

So we are now the owner of a 5 year old rescue kitty, who we've named Milly :)

She hasn't had the best of lives so far - Apparently, she was a born a stray, fed by a lady who couldn't take her in due to having large dogs that didn't like cats. She was then took in as a pet by the lady's neighbour, but was never spayed. She had 1 litter, but still was never spayed after that. Then she got pregnant again, and the owners kicked her out on the street with the kittens, she was found by the original lady who used to feed her as a stray - all skin and bones, but still feeding her kittens. So, she and the kittens were taken to a local rescue charity (this was back in April this year) and she was spayed, vaccinated etc and her kittens have now been rehomed thankfully.

Picked her up last Saturday and she's already settling in really well. She's such a sweet little fusspot and loves a lap to sit on...


Oh don't worry, she's already telling me off for not feeding her often enough :D
She's only a dainty little thing compared to our last 2 (they were quite stocky burmese) but she certainly likes her food! It's like me and my shadow any time anyone walks past where her food is stored.
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