Nice, i bet thats beautiful to drive
Thanks, I love it. It is smooth as silk and is a pleasant way to pass a few hundred miles at a time.
Nice, i bet thats beautiful to drive
230TE They weren't bad back in the day. I grew up in one for a very long time. It was beige/yellow or whatever the colour was. Amazing car, didn't die at all. I think the estates Mercedes made in that era were the best. They were absolute workhorses. Modern estates don't do it for me anymore.
I wouldn't say anything after that was cack really? The W210's were immensely reliable and very spacious if prone to rust, but the 124 was prone also. The 211 is still a great car to this day and has aged very well indeed. Only the early 211's were unreliable which was quickly resolved. I'd say they are all pretty good
Agreed. I don't really get the way people seem to be so obsessed with W124s. Don't get me wrong, I like them, but people on PH spend W211 money on them which seems ludicrous. And of course, after purchase they then bang on about their amazing reliability whilst replacing panels left right and centre and rewiring the entire car
I wouldn't say anything after that was cack really? The W210's were immensely reliable and very spacious if prone to rust, but the 124 was prone also. The 211 is still a great car to this day and has aged very well indeed. Only the early 211's were unreliable which was quickly resolved. I'd say they are all pretty good