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[TW]Fox;26580018 said:
I can assure you my view has nothing to do with jealously and I have no idea why you have assumed that people's views are motivated by that.

It's a discussion forum after all and it just seems odd to be talking insurance costs in the context of a purchase large enough to make them irrelevant. My view is entirely based on the concept you could have had a similar car for less or the better model you wanted, that's all. I have been polite throughout and was happy to spend time offering what I hope was useful opinions in your other thread.

Not sure that makes me jealous :p

See... jealous.

Ok as promised some better pics of my new car....well better is subjective, im a rubbish photographer:p. Excuse the dirty car, it was raining quite heavily yesterday...just my luck sadly.

Next to do on the list is get it properly cleaned ie washed and waxed up.
Ohh the personal attacks are starting!

I don't need to know about new cars, I need to know about financials... I could happily go out and buy myself a brand new $40k car, or lease one (I can't do either due to having no credit in this country, but I can afford either option) but I don't want to.

I'm also curious about how old you are... and what you do for a living.
[TW]Fox;26581021 said:
I would take the Golf im afraid : p

The beauty of these pickup trucks is how photogenic they are, just look at maccapaccas innate ability to park it on a molehill and photograph it. Where are you going to park your GTD, Godarno services? Live a little ffs.
[TW]Fox;26581021 said:
I would take the Golf im afraid : p

I'd only take the Golf if i had to use it for a ton of miles, good work slugger i guess assuming it has cruise control. Otherwise, locally, truck with the V6 all the way :cool:
Do bare in mind that this V6 truck is slow as can be and only gets 16(US) mpg :p

It gets dwarfed by the other trucks here but it copes with the huge storm drains we have going into parking lots very well!

Surprisingly comfortable too
Ohh the personal attacks are starting!

I don't need to know about new cars, I need to know about financials... I could happily go out and buy myself a brand new $40k car, or lease one (I can't do either due to having no credit in this country, but I can afford either option) but I don't want to.

I'm also curious about how old you are... and what you do for a living.

Nothing personal about what i said, relax and was in jest unlike your comments but hey ho. Perhaps i should have made the smiley really really big for you to see lol. Fair enough you dont want to spend a lot of money on a new car, i do and did. Whats the problem here??, as ive said before..i worked bloody hard for my money and what i choose to spend it on or not is frankly none of your business. Of course you have your own opinions as to what i should have done or shouldnt have done and thats bloody great...opinions are like ********s, everyone has one:p.

Next time if i feel like coming in here to make a post, ill be more careful as to what details i give out :/

As for my age and what i do for a living??, that is really none of your business.

Thanks ROBE1924, it is a stunning car moreso up close...the sun really brings out the pearl effect of the paintjob. Just need to get it properly waxed and washed...will wait till the weather gets a bit better though.
[TW]Fox;26580026 said:
Generally a lease will cost more as you are paying the depreciation and the profit for the lease firm.

Either way you'll be paying for the depreciation. Main difference is that with leasing you'll be parting with less money.
You have posted every little detail about your new car including and perhaps most importantly the price on a forum where people are very opinionated. You have made it his, and everyone else's, business by doing so.
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