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For vans particularly they are vehicles to ferry people and loads. They are not built for comfort... companies buy them with price and servicing cost/intervals in mind. They are not bothered if the driver gets hot in the summer.
Not as special as a lot of the cars in here but might as well put her up... anyway, here's my 53 plate Focus. Recent trip to the garage for new tyres and an oil/filter change - even cleaned it for me! :D

Unfortunately most fleet van buyers want the cheapest vehicle possible as more often than not they aren't the ones actually driving them.

Yep :) Main point was cars though know someone who was considering buying a Fiat 500 and it doesn't even come with AC as standard, is mad.
Jag's looking good Geekman. I keep meaning to test drive a Jag to see how it compares to my E39 in terms of handling and ride comfort.

I may have to read up on this machine polishing malarkey but TBH I'm not convinced a machine polish is worth the outlay, time and effort given that my car is silver.
Thanks :D They give a ridiculously smooth ride on the stock 18s with balloon tyres, but my 20s with low profiles do make it a bit less soft than you'd expect.

I don't think I'd bother with a machine polisher on a silver car unless the paint was very bad - the swirls don't show up anywhere near as easily as on a black car.
A week in now of ownership.. thought i'd share a few photos of my new car :)






Just over 300 miles on the clock now after a week.. hasn't actually come out of sport mode yet lol. The noise this thing makes is hillarious and i'm not even hooning it over 4k.
Geekman, the brakes look tiny :D

Does not look 150k!

If you think the front brakes look tiny, you should see the rears! To be fair they do a decent job of stopping the car, although the upgraded brakes on the XJR are a lot better, as they should be with nearly double the power of mine. :p
best colour for an Audi in my eyes, the lines of the car are really accentuated

Never seen an S2000 in that colour before either...LOVE IT!
I'm loving the Mini, West :) Just not keen on the two-spoke steering wheel.

Is there much discount available on the new Mini? Drivethedeal are only offering £1356 off of a base 3 door Cooper S with Media XL and the Chilli pack.
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